Network problems with ND5XS2 and NAS drive

thats the bit that interests me mate. i dont want to spend mega dosh on an nd555 just yet.

Qobus itself might be a fair bit better but im not 100%

with regards my network, i have bt hub, cisco switch, xbox series x, nintendo switch, panasonic 4k player, 4k tv, a macbook pro and two iphones all connected to my network

My system is: NDS 555DR, 252 supercap DR, NAP300DR, Chord signature XL, Focal Diablo Utopia. on two racks of fraim with all the crazy tweekyness on the cables so its all just right.

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Just saw ND555 sell for Ā£6200 on favourite auction site. I donā€™t think the ND5XS2 added to NDS will elevate it to ND555.

To me it sounds the same. It sounds excellent. I donā€™t think Qobuz is necessarily a massive uplift on what you have either.

The 333 with all 300 system sounds clearer to me.

I think perhaps new classics gradually might be better. Have a listen at your dealer.

What I mean is perhaps upgrade would be a 333 rather than an ND555. Prices will drop down in a few years used as well.

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I wouldnā€™t think so either. At least for me the benefits of the ND5XS2 is purely to get the modern streaming board which is important to me. I tried a few computer based alternatives previously and while they sounded good the ND5XS2 is just better than what I had and much easier to operate w/in a Naim system.


Exactly @marcusman. Itā€™s latest streaming board that I wanted and better connectivity which I now have.

Sound quality is not decipherable.

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Donā€™t mess with it Dan. Iā€™ve had no issues with such. Enjoy the music if it works :blush::+1:


Ā£6200!!! thats just nutts that, its the right price for sure.

I dont think an nd5xs2 and nds would be as good as a 555 but like some of you guys would like the new streaming stuff, in reality do i need it though. saying thatā€¦do any of us need any of this stuff!

personally i would be at 500 series before i even listen to any of the new stuff

i think 500 series stuff is really good value at the moment, if it drops down further then that can only be a good thing for us. the shop i use when i was looking to upgrade to a nap300 did me such a good deal, i have bought all my kit from them though and always look after me. they did offer me a 552 recently but i dont quite have the dosh to spend at the moment

If it ainā€™t broken donā€™t fix it mentaility. I said that kind of line to dealers and they explained benefits of EE8 switch.

For now I want to see how things go. Buying cheap switches is no big deal. But spending Ā£450 on switch is a fair amount.


mate if its stable like others have saidā€¦dont touch anything, dont move a muscle!lol

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Thanks bud.

If hindsight was 20/20 I would have first gone with the EE8 switch before any other.

We did that comparison at a recent audition. Weā€™d definitely still take the ND555 into a classic based system - 333/300 RRP 13k, can get the ND555 for a lot less than that now.

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