New firmware update

Sorry but i really don’t understand. I was asking asking a basic question. You obviously don’t know the answer.

Hi Clive,
default settings in the Naim app. Standby every 20 minutes. If not i force it when i’m done, regardless…

Yes my network is ok.


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Are you sure it actually updated? :wink:

Ok thanks. I know nothing about this stuff. Just trying to contribute and i do not experience any problems. Hope this helps.

Outdated more like. :rofl:

Not sure it helps, but I’m glad your enjoying your system.

To be honest a reboot once in a while is no big deal as long as the system sounds good, and it sounds really good! :smiley:


That’s interesting. Maybe that accounts for the difference between our experience with firmware v3.5.

How many different setting are there assuming they are not mutually exclusive?

If there are 10 binary options in Settings of whatevr nature you have 1024 permutations to test do you not, it will rapidly get prohibitive if you expect more than a few minutes for any combination of settings, when you consider that a change to any setting could adversely affect another indirectly.

Add to that at least 6 new streamer variants.

Beta group unlikely to be trying all new features/combinations, only those they have an interest in or regularly use.

I am in no way disagreeing with your thought that a 27k device should work pretty much perfectly, but reality seems a little different.

You did asked and i told you what i do. I wasn’t trying to mis-‘lead’ anyone.

That pretty much sums things up. :sunglasses:

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That’s right. It could take a while. In fact it depends how the software developed, and the budget allowed to it (do they use a simulation environment or not).

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If the order of tests is significant, or how long you leave something before moving on, that sort of testing is never going to be exhaustive. It will only ever give you a general assurance that ‘yeah, that seems about right’…

And in my experience, it’s often the trainee that asks the ‘obvious’ question that the old hands missed…


Soooo second night that I don’t get the headphones sound on my Star after using HDMI. Previous two nights the source was the Prime app on the TV itself and not the Apple TV. Thinking that the sound format streaming from the Apple could be the culprit here.

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It is dCs behind this ? :))

Mine works good with roon, the app not so good, it stops after a song

I have read every single post in this thread. I am one of the lucky ones. I updated the firmware on my NDX2 on day one, and I have experienced no problems.
I still stand in solidarity with my fellow Naim owners and I hope this gets resolved soon.


I have just done a factory reset on my NDX2 and after powering on the power button is flashing in a 4-2 pattern and is not responding. Could anyone tell me the meaning of this?
Much appreciated.

Mine did exactly the same when support asked me to power it off for 10 mins. It refused to come back from this state, had no network connection at all switch didnt see it and power button flashed constantly. I had to unplug it again and wait a few minutes and then it came back. I then did a factory reset and its behaved better but not perfect. I got given the old firmware to reinstall and it broke the thing again as the hone screen refused to appear so could not reset. Steve then got me to upgrade, factory reset again as home screen would work on 3.5 then downgrade again. It did the same again no home screen. Had to then use the controls to factory reset. All came back and now is rock solid running on 3.4 I won’t be upgrading again in a hurry.

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And there we go again. Just had my first screen freeze on my Uniti Star since installing firmware 3.5.

Screen has been freezing on three firmware releases so far. I am starting to lose faith that Naim will be able to fix this.