New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

Current Linn Tonearm are made by Clearaudio

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I did wonder but the connector configuration on the PSU and Phono stage preclude that.

It looks quite flexible with DIN or Phono out and the usual combined Power and signal connection for routing signals through the appropriate CAP when powered that way.

I think the mock-up for the pictures just left the cable out. Maybe it’s supposed to come from near the base of the arm mount ?

No the Solstice Phono Stage pairs with the Solstice Power Supply.

There’s a lot in both those components - not least DR technology - that progresses them significantly, especially at this price point.


Does the signal from the NVS TT come out through the burndy connection? Or are we missing something? Assuming it does, here are some thoughts:

Looking at the rear-side of the NVC TT, it is clear that it can be used with other turntables apart from the Solstice by using the phono connections. So for sure it will have an independent life after this 500 production run.

Looking at the Power Supply Input of the NVC TT, it says “PSU in & audio out”. However when used in conjunction with the NPX TT and the NVS TT, the audio signal is actually coming in through this connection. So I wonder if this will be used also for connecting the phono stage to the future powered pre-amp inputs (in conjunction with other turntables apart from Solstice).

Given that there will also be a “Type 3” Burndy to power the TT, as well as the fact that NPX TT is a slim-line/half-width box that powers TWO items, my feeling is that is this is the “entry-level” phono-stage of the new generation, so I would not be surprised if the performance of the Superline is higher. Of course I expect that a new Superline will follow, as well as an appropriate full-width power supply.

Logically you’d have a signal out on the back of the TT. It does seem odd that it’s not there, and exiting from the bottom would only work if the lead was really thin. The choice of Burndy seems odd, especially as it only uses a few pins. You’d think Din would work just as well, especially as it’s used to connect the PS to the phono stage. In many ways you’d think the two configurations would be used the other way around.

Overall it looks like a lovely thing and I very much like the brutalist design. My only concern, should this design be rolled out for the black boxes, is the Perspex slab front. How much of a scratch and static magnet will it be? Will it still look as good as new in 20 years time.


This is a great photo. Only 495 to go…


by the same logic, since this is a Naim turntable as evidenced by a Naim badge

then a Focal speaker is NOT a Naim speaker either. @Naim.Marketing @Richard.Dane

Maybe some of it can trickle up to a no compromise superline once the 500 packages are sold.


The phono connection in this photo is actually the RCA Output towards the amplifier. Strange that they didn’t use a DIN cable for connecting it to a Naim amp!

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Yeah - a few anomalies but as Richard mentioned it’s product shots so probably not fully technically representative. It’ll be interesting to see pictures of one in use.

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I don’t think so. I think the signal lead it comes out from under the tonearm. Perhaps Clare can confirm.

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I always thought Naim favoured the BNC connection from a turntable.

You have @Ian2001.

Looks like you have been vindicated.

No doubt you will be considering an upgrade!

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Correct! Cable direct from tonearm, out of the underside of the deck, into the phono stage. Burndy is for power.


Im reading on another forum that 65% of UK allocation is already sold. Cant vouch for the veracity of that info, of course.

On the other hand, I drove past my dealer earlier and there were touts outside offering Solstices at hyper-inflated prices :sunglasses:

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Yes, however, I think the reality has been a fair bit of resistance to BNCs and with many using adaptors, or badly soldered BNCs (they can be quite a fiddle!) that’s the worst possible result. Good quality RCA Phonos, especially where well matched, can work very well here and mean there’s nothing too scary for the end user or dealer to have to deal with. From what I see, I think top performance with user-friendliness was a key part of the design.


@Naim.Marketing hi Clare, can you send me one of the books please? Vics will have my address on file :wink:

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Oh yeah… a half size case in that new style… no screen just the white Naim logo centre would be great… just include a USB out and optical in :wink:

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Sorry, but there are only 500 being printed plus a few marketing proofs. Maybe we’ll put a PDF version online at some stage.


You must have missed the bit where I said retrograde.