New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

I wonder what posh cables it will need to sound right?

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I wonder how the weather must be like at Linn Factory today?



Where is the output connection from the TT. The pictures show a phono cable connected on the phono stage but nothing on the TT ?


I think this is a fantastic combination of Clearaudio turntables and Naim electronics, plus the Aro. Would be very interested in the future ability to pair the new Naim electronics with Clearaudio platters especially around the Clearaudio Innovation range. And best of all, there are no software updates involved! :slight_smile:

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All done via the DIN?

Would make it difficult to use with a different phono stage if so…

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So, no option to use a Supercap with Solstice phono stage? Or at least not with a burndy connection. Great to see the internal adjustment for loading but as has already been pointed out, does the lack of suspension along with the compromises that must have come with the inclusion of MM mean the Superline/Supercap combo still rules the roost?


Clare, does the new Solstice TT prefer
being sited on Fraim, pictures seem to show normal solid sort of furniture?

It fits perfectly on a Fraim - as you can see in the Hands-On feature - and you’ll get all the benefits that confers. But we don’t dictate what people use!


Maybe not what we expected, however pretty exciting…
Good use of precious Naim resources, should generate some cash for future core product development…Clearaudio partnership seems very sensible - good to focus on core expertise.
Good to see the Aro back…
Really like the ‘new’ black box design, if that is the next gen ‘Classic’ range, bring it on…pls can we have an updated Streamer first on the list !
Can see there being enough folks taking up the 500 special edition…and surely further availability will follow at ‘separates’ level…

For me, pretty sorted at the vinyl level, although the phonostage could be of interest…plan to stick with the Aro ‘made in Salisbury by Clive’ for a long time yet… :smiley:

Looking forward to some new developments on the core products…

Happy Monday


I like the proportions of these new boxes.

Kind of half way between CB shoe box and Linn LK.

Nicely finished too.


You must have missed the vinyl revival.

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It’s a product shot, so probably exits from under the arm and out through a hole in the sideboard… :wink:


Its just a matter of selling the car,! (these are very expensive in my region)

Already have a bike I need to be in a hurry flogging the VW, before those 500 Solstice are gone.

my bet not tomorrow

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That wouldn’t be “real” if build by Focal

Well I have reservations with the odd high looking platter, maybe I should just wait for a scaled down edition.

Its for those with a good wallet, no matter how many decks they already own.

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Will any dealers have it for demo?

Me too, they need to come up with another less-higher platter before this get my vote