New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

I don’t think so. I think the signal lead it comes out from under the tonearm. Perhaps Clare can confirm.

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I always thought Naim favoured the BNC connection from a turntable.

You have @Ian2001.

Looks like you have been vindicated.

No doubt you will be considering an upgrade!

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Correct! Cable direct from tonearm, out of the underside of the deck, into the phono stage. Burndy is for power.


Im reading on another forum that 65% of UK allocation is already sold. Cant vouch for the veracity of that info, of course.

On the other hand, I drove past my dealer earlier and there were touts outside offering Solstices at hyper-inflated prices :sunglasses:

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Yes, however, I think the reality has been a fair bit of resistance to BNCs and with many using adaptors, or badly soldered BNCs (they can be quite a fiddle!) that’s the worst possible result. Good quality RCA Phonos, especially where well matched, can work very well here and mean there’s nothing too scary for the end user or dealer to have to deal with. From what I see, I think top performance with user-friendliness was a key part of the design.


@Naim.Marketing hi Clare, can you send me one of the books please? Vics will have my address on file :wink:

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Oh yeah… a half size case in that new style… no screen just the white Naim logo centre would be great… just include a USB out and optical in :wink:

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Sorry, but there are only 500 being printed plus a few marketing proofs. Maybe we’ll put a PDF version online at some stage.


You must have missed the bit where I said retrograde.

@Naim.Marketing thanks for the clarification. Please connect the phono cables at the proper place for the next photo-shoot! :grinning:

So will we now need a special Fraim TT glass shelf with a through hole for the phono cable??!! :grimacing:

Well, I can cancel my pleading letter to my bank manager. I’m sure that it will sell, but not to me. Totally uninterested in playing vinyl - I have quite a lot of vinyl, which I must get around to selling some day…

I wasn’t at the photo shoot, but i’ll pass that on :wink:

And it sits fine on Fraim as is - again, look at the hands-on feature linked to

Good to see new product, and don’t want to put a dampener on the party atmosphere but imho it’s a shame Naim feel they can’t emulate Rega who do all their stuff inhouse. Still good to see everyone so happy, just be careful what you wish for re outsourcing.

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Indeed, I just noticed the phono cable in the photo.

My comment was a bit tongue-in-cheek… through hole in the shelf for maximum cable de-stressing and mechanical de-coupling! :grin: Please don’t take me seriously though and start drilling holes!

Could we have a shot of the internals of the power supply as well? Curious as to how it looks like!

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Just received an email from Tom Tom inviting me to an audition.

I do get the marketing launch thing, solstice and all that but…the day after Father’s day…



Interesting. Thanks Richard.

To be fair, Rega are first and foremost a turntable manufacturer (and a very good one at that). And secondly, Rega outsource a great deal to many different engineering firms.

For Naim it probably made a lot of sense to utilise the engineering and manufacturing facilities of a company like Clearaudio. For one thing, there’s likely not much space at the Salisbury factory for such a production line.


For those asking about the Special Edition vinyl, here are some more details, plus the track listing.

Side A

Saudades on 8th Avenue - Stew Cutler, Garry Bruer and Booker King

Goin’ Back to Joe’s (feat. Kurt Elling) - Laurence Hobgood

Tubby - Ted Sirota’s Rebel Souls

Chairman Mao - Charlie Haden and John Taylor

Side B

Alone Together – Charlie Haden & Chris Anderson

Blue In Green – Union

Keep It to Yourself - Bonnie Koloc

Nice to Meet You - Patrick Noland

All True Stereo recordings remastered for vinyl by the original engineer, Ken Christianson