New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

I guess if it’s loose a single measurement doesn’t tell you that much, as when originally set it would also have been within the recommended range. Measure it again in a few days / after a few records. Does it still read 2.32 ?

After playing 5 lp’s this evening it now reads 2.34. Given that the last digit is not significant, in a technical sense, the scientist in me says it reads “the same.”

I thought mathematicians and scientists are super precise with significant figures but engineers less so if it is within specification

Anyone who uses an instrument must be aware of the concept of “significant digits.” An engineer would not (should not) rely on insignificant digits any more than anyone else. Because putting significance on information that by definition is not significant . . . is erroneous!

It leads to erroneous conclusions…such as that my tonearm has a problem because it reads 2.32 one minute and 2.34 one minute later. By definition, those two readings are NOT “different.”


…but, on setting up, I can easily discern a difference in soung resulting from a 0.02g difference in tracking weight (not going to get into the difference between this and force!).
This has happened on each time I’ve set it up, presumably cancelling random (as opposed to systematic) errors in the measurement. Some cartridge manufacturers are pretty specific about tracking ‘weight’, others offering a range.

The LP has arrived; thread here: Look what arrived finally


Yes, mine as well. Single LP, in a cardboard sleeve that has bounced along from place to place. Filthy vinyl full of scuffs from the journey…The music is nice enough-something for a Sunday morning. Unfortunately, the condition of the record has permanently placed this release back in the Solstice box never to be played again. Shame.


Is it offensive to birds?

I am baffled by the cost of all upper-end hi-fi these days. It’s all truly baffling

Very true we are sold to newer products even when the original was sold as the best. Marketing the Marketing.

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Evolution of technology. :thinking:

The good thing is that purchase is not mandatory……but FOMO :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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New Solstice owner hoping to get insight : Anyone using Solstice with NAC332+NPX300? I’m using the DIN cable out of the NVS TT to input 8 on 332. Not using the analog (#6) as 332 manual says it would power NVC by 332. In my case 332 is powered by NPX300. So input 8 it is for the time being.
The reason I ask is that even though I adjusted the gain of input 8 to max, volume is still a bit low overall and bass is a bit thin compared to same tracks through 333. This might all be purely due to the fact that I’m about 10 days into the break in process but still went a bit paranoid about the possibility of having a suboptimal connection.
Any thoughts and insights are most welcome.

Does not sound right. Make sure the settings on the phono stage are hi gain and that the tt is plugged into the MC input of the phono. My solstice is in no way thin sounding, quite the opposite and gain, when set to high is comparable to my digital sources.

Input 8 has outputs on two of the pins so I wonder if this is affecting things. I’d try using input 6, which is compatible with 5 pin din and therefore won’t send power down the lead.

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Thank you so much, this was indeed the issue. Just tested #6 before going to bed, it all sounds pretty amazing now. I think overanalyzed the manual and for some reason went with 8, hopefully I didn’t cause any long term issue. Thanks again.

Thank you for confirming this, I was hoping for this reference point in terms of gain and bass control, after switching the inputs, it all sounds correct after a quick test.

Nice one.

That’s great. I don’t know why it makes a difference, which may blend in whether or not your interconnect is fully wired, but I just had a hunch. Maybe @110dB could explain, if they see this.

@Richard.Dane - do we have any updates on the new
counter weight?
Thank you for looking into this Richard.