New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

First off, well done to all at Naim. An enormous amount of work has gone into the new TT and everyone involved deserves praise and can rightly be proud. Love the design of the new PS and phono stage. A natural evolution and if Classic products look like this in the future I for one will be pleased. Classy and understated which I am sure will make many smile as they enjoy their music collection.


I would have been interested to audition it, had I not just spent best part of £4K on upgrades to my LP12 - So I do think that there will be vinyl fans out there that are contemplating their next TT upgrade. Plus vinyl is experiencing a resurgence and there will be people coming in new - although I am not sure a newcomer would drop £16k on a turntable.

My next upgrade was always going to be the arm, so if the Naim Aro Gen 2 is made available separately I will definitely take a look, along with maybe the phone stage…

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Well, this is a complete shock. I was just about to go ahead with some major upgrades to my LP12, but this has certainly made me stop and think.


I think there are data issues around that, but I will mention it to our digital team. If it helps, it was a very short update with main purpose to link to the website!


For those who are querying why Naim went to Clearaudio

They also make a product called Statement it’s 7.5 times the cost of a Solstice

Or this ?

It’s quite natural for firms to outsource work that is outside their normal manufacturing , does anybody think a Morgan is less of a Morgan if it has a Ford engine or Rolls Royce if it has a VW engine ?

Or perhaps the most famous engineering collaboration of the last war an America Mustang if it has a British designed Merlin engine ?

I take my hat off to Naim for a cracking design - and I hope that it is the start of a profitable and long running partnership


They will be Sold / Pre-ordered within days only

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I’m sure they will release an ongoing edition with “revised” price
The cute NVC/NPX boxes could be basis for new range of phonostage, psu, poweramps etc…


It’s not a problem for forum members who knew anyways, but I’m thinking that I would not know about this product if I had signed up for the general newsletter and relied on receiving such announcements automatically.


Certainly looks good and as I said I am keen to hear it.

If the price is £16,000 for the complete package then that seems good value to me compared to my current TT set up.

If it sounds good and better then it makes me think what price I can get for my fully loaded LP12 with EKOS II + Kandid + Klimax-Radikal etc and my beloved Superline + SupercapDR + Powerline and, oh yeah, a Chord Music 4-5 Pin Din interconnect and possibly a spare Fraim shelf?


p.s. I think I will park upgrading my Linn bearing for a bit longer :grinning:


Absolutely lovely products Naim, well done. I have a soft spot for ClearAudio stuff (my TT uses a magnetic bearing sourced from TransRota who share that design with CA), and ARO is still regarded as one of the best tonearms every produced.

Also exciting is the idea of ‘trickle down’ products from this. The start of a new line maybe…?

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I think you are correct. I was not aware of that variant.

Well spotted… :smiley:

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I’ve ordered 2. One to use, the other to be kept MISB as an investment - Lego style. :smiley:

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Yes, I seem to have been caught out here too. I already get the Naim newsletters and had the other announcements, but not this one……

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Yes, but as I knew - or thought - I was already subscribed…

YMMV, as always. Reporting the Facts, here.

Agreed @Graeme - I went down the Radikal route just 2 weeks ago :man_facepalming:

But - definitely interested in phono stage and arm when/if they become available

The drift away from hair shirt hifi continues. VTA tower, arm lift, slots. Then there’s the phonostage, switches for loading, no BNCs, not even suspension. This all looks like compromise. :grin:

No! Please don’t! Buy one to play and enjoy records, or let someone else buy and enjoy it.

Otherwise it’s no different from snapping up concert tickets to onsell at a profit.


Place your bets… IMO, the Phono Stage is a raging certainty to continue - as probably are the Aro arm & the cartridge. And - if it sells well (the Statement exceeded expectations, I believe), may be that too…?

The PS & Phono Stage clearly indicate a ‘new range’ of Naim units. Similar but different.

I wonder if the boxes are the same footprint as the beloved Shoe Box units…? :thinking:


Erm, I was just joking fella! :smiley:

Blowing £32k on a couple of TTs is the last thing on my list of priorities.

I’m pretty much done as far the hifi goes.

Cheers, Rack.



I won’t be going anywhere, my sme set up suits me fine.

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