New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

It certainly is, and I do it a lot. I think it’s referred as the Oxford comma - not that I have any associations with Oxford.


It’s fingernails down blackboard for me. Would you have considered starting with “therefore”? I think that’s a similar meaning in context. Better still, leave it out entirely because it’s meaningless. Anyway, back to the Solstice.

What an obnoxious post.


And completely disrespectful given Richard’s role here.


I think there are some in this thread and the other one who need to grab a coffee and go for a lie down.


Is it a full moon tonight or something!? Threads kicking off everywhere.

I’m going to whack something soothing on my TT or do some gentle gardening :heart:


Yep, it’s all kicking off here and a few other threads.
What we need is a few new items from Naim to distract us.

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It may be to you but ‘So’ here, or better ‘So,’ as @Richard.Dane has acknowledged, is being used as a discourse marker^ and, in the context of the matter under discussion, an expression of consequence.

^generally defined as a new part of a conversation, noting the newly provided explanation for the delays.


Shep - please take note that “Richard.” is not a sentence. Tut tut.


agreed but sometimes pettiness and bickering is quite entertaining in a way…bring on the capital letter police

It occurs to me the original most may have had dash of humour. So….

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I second the comma after “So”. My rather-particular 19-year-old daughter finds it “precious” to use the (technically-correct) comma in a post, and “adorable” to quibble about it. ( I think I got that right.)

Put me in my place! :grin:

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Microsoft Word seems obsessed with inserting commas before my “and”s.

Given that recent posts on the subject of the Solstice have focussed on how cheap you can get them ex demo, and discussions of other equipment (note the Oxford comma) it appears that the barrel of Solstice-related discussion has been well and truly scraped clean and that there is simply nothing more left to say.

I suspect Shep’s comment was tongue in cheek, given how much of a stickler Richard is. Certainly Richard didn’t take offence and I’m not sure others need to wade in on his behalf, which is where most of the bickering on threads seems to come from. It seems that all too often those who initially disagreed have let things drop, yet others seem determined to climb higher and higher onto some moral high ground in order to state their case that the original transgressor is a truly bad person. A bit like a child picking at a scab.

So, is there any more exciting Solstice-related discussion to come? Pearls of wisdom to impart?


I think you will find that there should be a comma after “Certainly” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I don’t think so. In any event would probably have been better wording. And in any event, I didn’t use ‘certaintly’.

The forum spelling correction is as bad as Microsoft’s grammar check!

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I know. You’ve got to be so careful. I usually write my posts quickly and then edit them once posted. It’s hard to notice one’s own errors, but reading the post once written almost makes it seem as if it was someone else’s, and the errors are therefore easier to spot.


I for one am always up for a discussion of ‘proper’ grammar in English, semantics and the development of language over time.

I also note that I object instinctively to many deviations from (say) Fowler’s ‘English Usage’, while committing others - sometimes deliberately and sometimes lazily - and that others here seemingly do much the same.

However, I am not 100% convinced that this thread is the place for that chat. Is the complete lack of anything new to say about the Solstice getting to some people here?