New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

Two high-end Audio-Technica cartridges:

ART1000 11.0 gr
MC2022 9.5 gr

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Thanks. Will add those.

Cartridge Weights
Make Model Mass (g)
Audio-Technica OC9 7.6
ART9 8.5
AT33 6.9
ART20 9.0
ART1000 11.0
MC2022 9.5
Decca London 7.6
Dynavector DRT XV-1t 12.0
DRT XV-1s 12.6
Te Kaitora Rua 9.8
XX2 8.9
17DX 11.0
20X 9.8
10X 7.5
Goldring Eroica LX 5.5
Elite 5.7
Legacy 8.0
Ethos 7.7
Koetsu Black Goldline 10.2
Rosewood 8.3
Urushi Black 9.4
Azule 13.0
Blue Lace 12.5
Linn Krystal 7.0
Kendo 7.6
Ekstatic 7.0
Kandid 5.7
Lyra Delos 7.3
Kleos 8.8
Ortofon SPU 13.0
MC Quintet 9.0
MC Cadenza 10.7
MC Diamond 17.5
MC Verisimo 9.5
MC Winfield 11.0
Rega Aphelion 6.0
Apheta 6.0
Ania Pro 6.0
Sumiko Blue Point No.3 6.0
Songbird 8.5

@110dB - New low - Goldring Eroika LX - 5,5 g.

Note - In a number of cases the Mass listed above applies to a series of carts - such as A-T’s OC9’s, or Ortofon’s SPU’s.

PS. If I have missed your favourite… let me know…!!


Hope all the manufacturers weights are more than accurate than Naim quote :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Hana Umami red and blue show 10.5 g.


Thanks for the reply Steve,
I’d say in both cases above the customer would be expected to pay for the additional counterweight as they’re asking to use a cartridge different from the specifications provided.
The problem is some customers may have made a purchase expecting that they could use 8g carts and have now found out through no fault of their own that they cannot.
I’ll bow out of this as it’s really more for Solstice owners to decide if this is an issue for them or not and what they’d like to see happen. Maybe better to contact owners direct rather than a free for all on the forum.
Have a good day

Thanks. Have added Hana carts to my Excel Chart.

@110dB - Another new low - Hana E & S series - 5,0g.

110db’s outreach from Naim is the Naim that i know and respect. Fix the problem for customers - most of whom probably are not even aware there is a problem but down the line could be in for a shock.
If i owned a Solstice i’d pay for a counterweight that gives me options when the Equinox ages out.


possibly not on a Solstice?

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Lols. No, I used a Windows PC for that…

And I’m a Linn owner… :astonished: :crazy_face:

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TY so much Steve! I definitely would buy a counterweight and any other aux. hardware that might be necessary or desirable to allow me to install a lighter weight cartridge. While not being committed to replacing the Equinox, I’d absolutely commit to spending a bit to make that an easier possibility.

The two Dynavectors I’d consider are 12.0 and 12.6g respectively.

Potential Lyra cartridges are in the 9.0 to 11-something g total weight.

Interestingly Clearaudio’s own cartridge are lighter; the Da Vinci is 7.0g.

I would think that anything in the 7g or 8g and up range would give me, personally, plenty of options. Others may vary.

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Big +1 here to that idea if you’re listening @110dB !
I know it’s not central to the Solstice issues that you are looking into, but if you’re considering commissioning a run of new counterweights for the Solstice, then how about a hundred or so heavy ARO1 weights while you’re at it?:crossed_fingers::pray:
Personally, I’d be happy to pay whatever it took to get my hands on one :grin:


So would I and I suspect just about all other Solstice owners.

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And if it was the Aro that I originally bought, which I suspect it is, it was bought in 1997 from the nice people at Infidelity in Hampton Wick. I bought it in comparison with the top Linn arm at the time, trading in my Akito. Can’t remember all the LPs used in the listening test, but one was Joni Mitchell: Mingus. I believe this was obligatory at the time.

@110dB - if you could move the counterweight issue forward it would be of GREAT help for the Solstice owners! I am interested in a weight that would suit the 9 gram weight class… Take my money!!! :grinning:


3 more from Lyra:
Etna : 9.2g
Atlas: 11.6g
Olympos: 13.5g

I think that extra counter weight should be xtra like 50 bucks?

Clearaudio Goldfinger Statement: 16g


Latest version -

Cartridge Weights
Make Model Mass (g)
Audio-Technica OC9 7.6
ART9 8.5
AT33 6.9
ART20 9.0
ART1000 11.0
MC2022 9.5
Clearaudio Concept 8.0
Essence 8.0
Talisman 11.2
Concerto 7.0
Stradivari 7.0
Jubilee 7.5
Da Vinci 6.8
Titanium 10.0
Goldfinger Statement 15.0
Decca Maroon 6.7
Gold 6.7
Super Gold 6.7
Dynavector DRT XV-1t 12.0
DRT XV-1s 12.6
Te Kaitora Rua 9.8
XX2 8.9
17DX 11.0
20X 9.8
10X 7.5
Goldring Eroica LX 5.5
Elite 5.7
Legacy 8.0
Ethos 7.7
Hana E 5.0
S 5.0
M 9.0
Unami Blue 10.8
Unami Red 10.5
Koetsu Black Goldline 10.2
Rosewood 8.3
Urushi Black 9.4
Oynx 12.5
Azule 13.0
Rhodonite 13.5
Blue Lace 12.5
Linn Krystal 7.0
Kendo 7.6
Ekstatic 7.0
Kandid 5.7
(Troika) 7.0
Lyra Atlas 11.6
Etna 9.2
Delos 7.3
Kleos 8.8
Ortofon SPU 13.0
MC Quintet 9.0
MC Cadenza 10.7
MC Diamond 17.5
MC Verisimo 9.5
MC Winfield 11.0
Rega Aphelion 6.0
Apheta 6.0
Ania Pro 6.0
Sumiko Blue Point No.3 6.0
Songbird 8.5

Note - all figures above have been taken from the relevant manufacturers or distributors websites.


My Sonic Lab Signature Platinum: 13g
Ortofon Diamond: 17.5g
EMT Novel Titan: 16g
EMT Novel Gold: 18g
Air Tight Opus 1: 12.5g
Xquisite ST: 16.6g
Xquisite Fire: 16.6g
Xquisite CA: 14.8g


The Benz cartridges might be a relevant addition as well:

LP Weight: 10.7 grams (LP),
LPS 16.4 grams (LP-S)
Ebony Weight: 10.7 grams
Gullwing: Weight: 12.2 grams
Ruby: Weight: 10.2 grams

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@kuma @IIIIIIIIIIIII - Thanks for your suggestions for additions.

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