Interesting, I have had mine for a good few months. Are those that do not have them outside the UK?
Honestly I blame the current importer. Their response to my last inquiry was met with a shrug. No effort has been put in to resolve the issue. In the old days of Naim USA my email would have been followed up with a phone call and quick resolution. That was the pinnacle of Naim customer service.
Seriously, after years Naim still haven’t delivered everything for your Solstice packages? Wow!
The Clearaudio distributor sent me an immediate replacement for a defective cue mechanism directly to my house, along with a copy of the Clearaudio DG reissue of Accardo/Paganini Diabolus in Musica as a gift. Maybe Naim should have contracted with Clearaudio for Solstice customer service?
Yes, outside of the UK here. Seems that the Solstice Team has “left the building” and Naim is not that concerned… Not cool imo and very unlike Naim who have historically supported after-sales quite well.
Chris, I’ve been chatting with James at the factory today about this and he’s not entirely sure what has happened here as your distributor has had all the LPs sent to them. Anyway, I think he will be in touch with you by email…
p.s. any other Solstice owners in the US still waiting on their LP, please flag up this post and let me know.
Varyat, you have a message.
My vote again is one additional counterweight. Agree lets keep this simple. 8gr target as per the listed spec. That should cover 7-9gr at minimum and if the range is better than ±1gr as per 110db’s note all the better. 7-9 gets you most Linns, Lyras, Dyna xx-2, at art9’s, goldring ethos, and more. 6-10gr and really nobody can complain about that wide a range of cart selections.
That’s me Richard. Still awaiting my Solstice LP!
I actually paid for one so my vote counts 100x. Only being slightly facetious. Very slightly.
That actually would have been quite helpful. Not sure if it would have been reasonably doable but it would have been very helpful to us customers, at least here in N. America.
Yeah, Musical Surroundings customer/technical support is second to none. In 10+ years as a customer they have always gone beyond the call of duty to handle whatever I need. It’s part of why I stay as a customer.
Bart, you have a message.
Richard, I too am in the US and have not received my Solstice LP.
I didn’t get one either Richard. But no worries the lighter counterweight is so much more important IMO.
For completeness, here’s what the 1200G comes packaged with in addition to the standard counterweight. The two additional weights allowing fitment of cartridges between 5.6 and 19.8g when using the packaged headshell.
‘I actually paid for one so my vote counts 100%’.
Glad you are now on board with more carts being supported. Just being slightly facetious…
@Richard.Dane - I replied to your email but it was returned as an Error.
The answer to your question is YES. Please do so. I appreciate your help.
Hi Mark, it was a inter-board message. Replying to the email notification would result in it not being delivered. Thanks for letting me know.
The current one (17DX) and the prior one (17D3) are 8.5mm. Perhaps an older model was like that?