New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

I briefly tried the 300 on my solstice when I was demoing the 222 and it was an immediate and obvious improvement. Similar to adding a radikal to my old LP12

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Paging Rob @Cohen1263


Better get batteries then, as no mains trumps the lot

Interesting. I never knew that was the classic upgrade path!

Oh man!

Sub Chassis
That’s the way it is. :+1:t2:



Where do you think chassis or sub chassis fits in ?

Edit : @Skeptikal Prefect, thanks for adding :+1:

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Think LP12 Valhalla to Armageddon at least James.

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It was so different 25yrs ago :blush:

Of course almost none of that is swappable on the Solstice! Power supply can be upgraded . . . cartridge, well, we’ve been over that for a few hundred posts :smiley:


Had a senior moment thanks for the prod. :wink: :+1:t2:

LP just arrived with a Naim T shirt as a gesture of apology :+1:


Lovely album with great sound quality so worth the almost two year wait :joy::+1:


@110dB - any updates on possible alternative counterweights?

Still waiting for my LP to arrive after being promised that it was “on its way” weeks ago…frustrating :weary:

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I spoke with James last week and the LPs destined for the US have definitely all been sent out. He said there were loads of customs forms that needed to be filled and so it may just be that’s where they are. He said he would enquire with the carrier.

I also heard from Steve on the counterweight. A suitable one has been engineered, now on to quote stage…


Thanks Richard!

Thats good news👍

It seems counter-intuitive (as our friends from the US of A say sometimes) that the Solstice can be ‘improved’ by adding one of Naim’s own power supplies. Is this a widely-agreed consensus?

I thought that the whole point of the Solstice was that it was the best analogue replay device that Naim/Clearaudio could achieve, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

From what I gathered the total package as manufactured was an overall excellent package at that price point

But yes Graham it was my understanding that that was it and no further adjustments ( or additional) were envisaged

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Agreed Bevo, perhaps a difference in philosophy between Naim and Clearaudio as to what constitutes the ‘ultimate’ turntable? But it does seem strange.