New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

That Allnic h7000 you recommend is about the same price as the Boulder anyway.

I know that’s why i said try it, as it’s extremely good. Plus once you have experienced tube phono done right it’s hard to forget
But with your very low output cartridge probably wouldn’t be a suitable match, and you would probably need a good SUT to go with it.

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OK. There’s no Allnic dealer anywhere near me, so it’s moot anyway. It’s only a 2100 miles drive to the only dealer in the U.S. :flushed:

Seems rather silly to get a $18k phono-stage and still need a SUT in addition to make it work. :slight_smile:

Totally agree
Much easier to change the cartridge if anything.
Anyway good luck and hope it works out for you

Thanks. I’m certainly not changing a $14k cartridge just to get a tube phono to work.

Just curious, what kind of music do you listen to? 90% of what I play is acoustic classical and jazz. For classical I really like how well my Atlas + Superline render multi-dimensional soundstage and inner details.

Don’t blame you as nor would i.
I listen to all sorts really, and getting more into certain jazz, and classical more and more these day’s.
I have the thales turntable with statement arm, with the exquisite ST cartridge. This combo combined with the allnic is just stunning. It was very good with the superline, but i also felt it was slightly lacking, or should i say not preforming to it’s full potential.
Hopefully you will find this new phono stage can bring the same outcome for you. As i still remember the first time i got the allnic to click, as i did have a few problems at the start. It just stopped me in my tracks, and even though i have the equally stunning dcs vivaldi three sum. The turntable just takes 1st place in the sound, enjoyment with what it does.
You just can’t beat vinyl when it’s right, it has that something, but i can’t tell you what that is. But all my hifi friends that have sat on my sofa agree.
Cheers dunc


I agree about the allure of vinyl. Get it right and it’s just magic. My digital source (NDX2/XPSDR) can’t touch my analog rig. It’s not even close. But that’s OK, I really prefer spinning records as I have for 50+ years.


If we’re recommending phonostages, the I humbly submit my Esoteric E-02, as fine a unit you’re likely to encounter. A dream with either my Ortofon MC A90 or Shelter Harmony. I dare say there isn’t a cartridge it can’t handle nor show at its best.


That looks like a nice phono-stage. And it ticks some boxes: 2 inputs, SS, and not too expensive.

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I’m also on the lookout for a second phonostage but as it will sit near my 552 I think a separate powersupply feeding it with DC will be a must.

This is unfortunate, that the dealer assured you something that quite simply they were in no position to assure. Not your fault; if you can’t rely on an authorised dealer to give you critical facts, upon whom can you reply? That dealer was either grossly misinformed, or they “made things up” to close a sale. Terrible.

It sounds like the above was the genesis of additional issues. If the dealer hadn’t said or implied that swapping out cartridges to that DV would be straightforward, maybe you’d either (a) used the arm/cartridge as supplied, or (b) not purchased at all and saved a lot of trouble!


I think the issues needed to be overcome with fitting (some) cartridges other than the Equinox took a lot of people at all levels by surprise Bart. I determined that it was caused more by ignorance than anything else. It’s a discontinued product now but as long as the excellent guys at Salisbury are tasked /permitted to fix the snags I’m sure that they will be

Or - not being within the project spec and/or budget…?

A good dealer should not be ‘supposing’ what they think something ‘should do’ unless they have actual data.

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Fair enough Ian although Acoustica looked after me after the event as it were and the guys at Naim tried to help also. Someone had to be the first one to experience the cartridge fitting limitations. It just happened to be me and I felt it only right to document my Solstice journey on the forum.


No. Naim should have sorted that out - or declared the limitations - before the Solstice was launched. It should not have been a ‘surprise’ - to dealers or owners.

I have no problem in you documenting your experiences, with the Solstice. You have done a great job. But - it should not have been necessary.

Yes, maybe Acoustica and Naim have done a good job, in resolving your problems - ultimately with a full refund. But - the situation was one they had created, jointly.

I sometimes employ what I call the Ford Focus argument. Substitute any other popular car, if you wish. If you buy say a ford Focus and you don’t like it, you will easily sell it on.

In HiFi, the Linn LP12 is a sort of Ford Focus, in my view. A safe ‘bet’, for most people.

The Naim Solstice was never going to be anything but an oddity. Sadly… :expressionless:

YMMV, etc.

[Declaration of Vested Interest - Linn LP12 owner, since 1982.]

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I agree with you. The Solstice wasn’t Naim’s finest hour for sure. I will be hearing a Phonosophie P3 (with ARO) in a couple of weeks. It’s a deck I’ve been interested in for some time. That or a Cymbiosis LP12 next for me. Enjoy your LP12👍

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Please… just go LP12. Especially from LE postcodes…!!

My 1981 LP12 is the only one I have owned. Not quite Grandfathers Axe or Triggers Broom yet - still the original plinth, cover, outer platter and motor - but several sub-chassis have passed thru, leading to my present Kore - and a Cirkus bearing. PS is now Lingo Mk1, replacing Valhalla. My Ittok is from 1982.

Not Broken.


I bought my LP12 in 1981 also. Partly funded by a tax rebate when I was an apprentice . Around 1983 I went from LVX to Ittok. With a Troika on board a few years later it was an excellent deck. Armageddon then ARO upped its performance again IMO.

I never had a Troika. Or a Karma. Did have an Asak, then an Asaka - but the cost of the Linn carts drove me back to another DV10X… (which I had had pre the Asak)

Cheaper. Good Enough. For Me.

Did nothing more until 2018, when I had a Cirkus fitted (new). Then serviced my Valhalla board, in 2021, while I waited to ‘find’ a Lingo. Got a Lingo Mk1, had it serviced and fitted, late 2021. Then waited to find a Kore - fitted 2022.

Thats it…!


Look forward to hearing your impressions of the P6

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