New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

To be clear, in the ND555 the DAC is definitely Naim’s own, although the DAC Chips used are not (Burr Brown 1704Ks). Much more to a DAC than just the DAC chipset…


Completely wrong direction for the company imo. Following fashion, retrograde and not the future of music. It’s a nice to have and no doubt will be a well engineered piece of kit, but the future. Not for me.


To get them out the door as fast as possible. Unless the parts for it are made of unobtanium, then the limited edition thing is just the usual marketing exercise.

As a few others have said, it’s also a clear sign as to what the design for the next range of Classic/500 series (or whatever replaces them will look like). The green logos and buttons are about to be retired. :frowning_face:

Can I order a Solistice with green buttons and 500/Classic series casework to match the rest of my kit please? Now that would be a limited edition! :grinning:

ND555 yes,

the turntable, no… obviously. But I will make the effort to audition one urgently

you expect that companies make everything in-house. Nobody does this anymore… get over it.

99.99 % of people don’t seem to care who makes their iPhone. It’s an apple product. end of.


Congratulations on the development and rollout of the Solstice SE TT and for the 500 hundred customers wanting a $20,000 TT.

Some folks sound excited, others may be a bit disappointed.

For me there is no interest, especially at the retail price point. If this was an announcement of a product line with different price points to be released in the future it might have carried more interest.

With the recent releases of the Muso Wood Edition, Bently Car System, Princess Yachts and now the $20 K TT it appears that NAIM is marketing to sell into small boutique market.

Time will tell but at some point the core base of customers may not stay excited with the existing product line and move to other vendors. The 272 replacement thread has been running a long time and at one point it was suggested that a replacement strategy was in the works.

…another year rolls by…


It looks ace. Well done Naim.

Even better news is no software to drive endless threads about a million ways it won’t work properly or that it sounds different after a software patch :joy:

This is the perfect solution for when the streaming system is not playing ball. Put a record on and relax. :smiley:


Yes I’m with you on the platter PSAN

I understand why, but looks don’t really do it for me. Probably a case of getting use to it

I suspect but don’t know maybe only one or two at best make it downunder

Well it’s not for me either since as I’m firmly in the digital camp and don’t possess any records anymore. Given the resurgence in interest in Vinyl, it seems a sensible approach for Naim to dip their toe in with this limited run and see where it goes. I’m pretty sure they are aware of market trends and demands…

Personally I’m more interested in the direction they are going with the future case design and with the power supplies. I’m liking what I see so far :+1:

Yes Richard, that is what I meant. some folks seem to expect that Naim should make every single component in-house which has never been the case in last 50 years.

The torroidal transformers in the Hi-cap and Supercap, PS555DR, NAP250DR for example are not made by Naim (and have never been)

To be fair, Naim’s most recent product launch before this was the Atom HE - definitely very accessible and relevant for a great number of people, so definitely not just looking to “sell into small boutique market”*

*Yes, I know, one could argue that all hifi above £1k is a small boutique market, but probably better for another thread - you get the idea here.


I think its fine as a money raiser in much the same way as the Bentley association is. It’s just not the direction I want to see from Naim. Streaming high quality sound is the future. Anything that takes a leap forward with that gets my vote, and more importantly, my money.


This design will match nicely with a Statment

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Agree - heard the Innovation a couple of times and thought it a fabulous sounding record player. I think Clearaudio will benefit from associated sales due to this working collaboration with Naim, and perhaps bring them to the attention of many forum members who’d previously dismissed the brand (including me).

some of you missing a point : the return of the ARO…


But it is a clearaudio, not a Naim.
I also take offence at being called a troll. Not what is expected from company representatives.


Yep. We all want different things. Great to have the choice, whatever playback medium you favour :slightly_smiling_face:

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Really! Amazing PR!


I agree that this particular product is for a small niche and out of the price level for most of us, but I admire the design and engineering. I do think that the design of the power supply and phono stage is a lead-in to what to expect in the 272 replacement and the rest of the classic range, so I take heart in that. Though I’ve reached my end system personally, so it’s a bit academic for me👍


Well, it’s a Naim forum, not Facebook, so we don’t need to be too woke :roll_eyes:


By that logic, the laptop I’m currently typing on is a Foxconn not an Apple…