New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

well it has a burndy connector so very obviously, it’s a Naim product.

Also the tonearm is the ARO design, which is a Naim product.

Did you know that the Apple iPhones are made by some else than apple?

Did it mean it’s not an apple product?


What a lovely forum. If such post was made on another manufacturer’s forum, the post would be deleted and the forum member banned. Over here there are nice replies from the moderator/staff as well.


It does look sleek, modern and futuristic, something Naim are obviously proud of and rightly so.
But only 500 that doesn’t give me time to save up. :unamused:


what about the bearing?
Is it Naim’s own?

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Why only 500 I wonder? I’d be surprised at that price point if they don’t have far higher demand than that.

It is the clearaudio magnetic bearing

in the ND555, is the DAC Naim’s own?

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great! it will be looking top on my YACHT to which I will drive in my BENTLEY drinking CHAMPAGNE :slight_smile:

AFAIK, elements such as the bearing were engineered in collaboration with Clearaudio. For example, the high-mass platter’s weight is balanced by opposing neodymium ring magnets - effectively, it floats, and this is where I’d imagine Clearaudio’s expertise in engineering such things comes into play.


Have a look at this, in the Bentley Continental and SUV, they are using a Volkswagen W12 engine.

I think it’s really smart thinking of Naim to rely on Clearaudio expertise to build it.

well done

Pro-Ject offer a universal cover I understand :shushing_face:

Interesting package. However not sure this provides for the existing Vinyl playing market.

  1. Already likely to have a TT, Arm, Cartridge & phono stage carefully selected over many years of system building, individual component selection.
  2. A complete package suggests you don’t have any existing Vinyl replay equipment, and requiring a complete ‘out-of-the-box’ solution.

Who is it for? Anyone with a reasonable vinyl collection, will already have capability and be emotionally wedded to it, given that journey has taken them 30/40 years of system building & upgrades.

So I can only conclude the target market is those who either abandoned vinyl a number of years ago, and this provides an easy way back in or new-to-vinyl who can drop €15,000 for a complete system and start their collection.

This concept of ‘all in packages’ also adopted by SME I’m not sure is wanted by the market. After all, wasn’t the ARO Arm born to sit in another manufacturer’s turntable, and an alternate TT PSU offered?

I trust the components and in particular the electronics will be available separately, at a later date.

However interesting design direction, a high-end phono stage with selectable MM/MC settings, no RIAA equalisation options.

Will have to see what the reviews make of it, including Mr Fremer.


what Fremer thinks? Is he paying for it? It only matters what the buyer thinks.

“Clearaudio and share values of high-end audio and Naim has worked closely on the Solstice project with the German specialist for more than two years, continually listening and refining to deliver the unmistakable sound of Naim from a turntable, for the very first time.”

Doesn’t read quite right @Naim.Marketing?

Fairly blown away that Naim now do a TT, looks incredible, and the new electronics boxes look neat too. Cannot wait to read more about it!

The most classic marketing strategy is to limited demand, it insures the few that still want a turnable in 2021 will be whipped into a frenzy.

As a Clearaudio user, I have said a few times that it is a much under-rated firm on this forum.

The new Solstice looks a cracking bit of kit and congratulations to all concerned :clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::champagne::champagne::champagne::champagne::champagne:


and Hermes do the same… seems to have worked out just fine?

Not saying that.
Talking about a bearing of the very same company which builds the deck and builds decks.
Time will tell whether they sourced the best bearing for the project and fully exploit the potential of the tech behind it (until now not quite successful) , proof is in the listening.

Have you heard it ?

I think it’s awesome that Naim have developed this. The design of all the components is crisp and clear but personally I would have preferred a less tall platter. I understand what it does, it’s just that aesthetically it makes the turntable look less elegant than it could have been (currently it looks like a Project Extension 10). Just a couple of centimeters less and it would have been perfect (IMHO, YMMV and all that).