New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

Exactly… that was the point @Richard.Dane and myself were making?!?

Apple computers contain Foxconn parts and Boeing contain R-R engines… it doesn’t mean the laptops are made by Foxconn and or planes made by R-R.

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the new Aro can be used with other cartridges (via two-point slotted fixings), and there is a LOT to play with on the phono stage. To quote Steve Sells:

"For greater flexibility, fly-by-wire input switching, loading and gain were included. Fly-by-wire allows the controls to be conveniently located on the rear panel and the internal circuits ideally placed for optimal performance. You can use these controls on the go, for fast tuning: with 16 resistive and 16 capacitive loading settings, there are 256 possible tuning combinations for moving-coil (MC) cartridges.

Internally, MM and MC inputs have their own dedicated head-amplifiers, including an all-new, Class A MC design, configured to be inherently ultra-low noise"


Let’s be clear, Clearaudio are a stellar company for Vinyl replay equipment. First heard a full Master Reference with parallel tracking arm about 20-years ago, and wow what a sound, what a mass of acrylic.
They have a range of TT from entry to reference statement, plus phono stages etc.
It makes sense to utilise their manufacturing capability, and outsource to them. The TT is clearly a Naim design, and a good addition to the company’s suite of products.

Once the “opportunity” to purchase one of the limited packages has passed, interested to see what happens to the electronics designs. A 500 Phono-stage?


Platter dustcovers are available from all good Milners…

Seriously it looks great and I’m sure will sound stunning…


Interesting to see the I/O on these 2 new units.

Phonos only - not BNC’s - on the Phono stage.
7 pin Din - alongside the Burndy - on the PS.


Hi Clare
Just edited my post as just seen the rear picture of the phono stage

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not really to my eyes.

Looks like it’s an 8 pin DIN. SNAIC 8 to follow for the new range of power supplies…

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Ah… interesting… Perhaps @Naim.Marketing could explain…?

I just hope the rear protrusion of the burndy and the stiffness of same doesn’t preclude the TT from sitting on many a dedicated TT table/shelf, as many types of the latter have very limited clearance and access at the rear for anything other than thin/pliable cabling.

This all shouts high-quality ‘life-style’ product.

That’s your Xerxes sold then Dunc? :wink: :grinning:

I thinks its a 7…

crop solstice-phono-stage-power

7 pin DIN’s have existed for a very long time… :smirk:

If you signed up to hear about the new launch, you’d have got it

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Be it 80% Naim and 20% Clearaudio or 50/50….we will probably never know.
But the most important is that it seems to be built to high standard, with high mass, high quality parts, magnetic platter, and improved Naim Aro.
I would be proud to own one. But out of my budget, even 1 month later, when I bought the P10/ Kleos.
But even if, I would be more interested by the turntable / arm alone.

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That is a very nice looking vinyl system, and it’s very exciting on many levels.

I never thought it would happen, but Naim have just designed and built a complete vinyl eco-system. While there are only 500 available in this release package, it makes sense for them to continue to sell the component parts - phonostage, PSU, arm, cartridge.

I’ve just got back in to records this year with an LP12, but cut corners on the phonostage and PSU in order to keep within budget. When funds allow and I upgrade those two items, and if Naim are making them available, I for one would be very interested to audition them. I was automatically going to go down the Radikal route, but this has made me stop and think.

Lovely design (to my eyes), and no doubt in my mind that Naim will have done everything and more to make sure this product excels.

Well done Naim and congratulations!!

Looks good and I am sure it will sound great. Interesting that the design cues follow the Statement and Uniti cues, I wonder if this indicates what future product designs will look like?

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it’s also finally the chance to hear the mighty statement with a true Naim Vinyl source, I expect this should enable Naim to sell a few more statements, with a matching Naim turntable !

I guess it isn’t for everyone (including me), but one can always admire and listen at dealer showrooms…

(off to buy a lottery ticket :joy:)

Lived up to the hype. Even though I could never afford it. Out of interest how many units would the ND555 roughly have sold in its first year. I would imagine 500 would be seen as an excellent return.

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So have 8 Pin. There is a contact in the middle


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Yes, but I received the emails for the car project and the wood Muso without signing up separately. Would be nice if one subscription sufficed