New Linn & Lyra Cartridge demo

WHat did you think of the soundstage from the Etna? I have heard it is quite good, and I’ve always thought it could be better on the XV-1s, although I think my system could benefit from a larger space, which is planned for the future sometime.

Soundstage on DV and Lyra very similar…as always, larger room will help in this regard…
I am currently running my Lyra through a Sutherland Loco transimpedence phono stage- best soundstage I have had in my room. The low internal impedance of the Lyra really suits this type of " current vs voltage" design. I would highly recommend it if you have the opportunity…


I have a Superline with the Cymbiosis Z-Foil Airplug, SuperCap DR and HiLine IC. That’s not going to change even if I hear something that is maybe better. The Superline is made for the low output (.25mV) of the Lyra. Besides, I’m done upgrading electronics and speakers. I’m quite happy with what I have and will keep it there.


Swapping for a DV-friendly airplug (probably not Linn-friendly 576R?) to one suiting another one is a small bill in the context of these cartridges.

I can’t see why you would need to change anything else either, but then I am another Superline owner.


Thank you, Antz, there’s an awful lot happening around the arm pivot that wasn’t there on the original ARO. A lot of the (apparent) simplicity of the original design has evaporated. I don’t find it an improvement, but someone must have had reason to mess around with it (no doubt to ‘improve’ it).

Interesting one of the reasons I favour sticking with Dyna is because of the Z Foil I have on my Superline courtesy of course of @Cymbiosis

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I also have ZFoil Airplug 453R for my Dynavector, but it can be changed to a different value for the Lyra. Cymbiosis can do that, or Chris West at AV Options in the U.S.


That’s a really helpful snippet that I had never thought to ask about - thanks.


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