New Mu-so Qb 2nd Gen is repeatedly needs a reset to pair iPod via Bluetooth

My new Mu-so Qb 2nd Gen is repeatedly requiring a reset to pair with my iPod nano via Bluetooth. I’ve not yet noticed a pattern with these failures to connect. One day the Mu-so Qb is successfully paired and connected, working fine wirelessly; a day or two later, the Mu-so Qb cannot be found by the iPod’s Bluetooth search until I’ve reset the Mu-so Qb using the reset button on the back.

Any suggestions as to how to resolve this issue would be appreciated.


I love ours (we’ve 2 of them) but it is constantly disappearing from our network. It’s extremely frustrating and the other half want it replaced by a traditional radio, shame as when working it sounds fantastic.

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We had similar problems. Not all the time but enough to really spoil the enjoyment

Ended up tuning up our wifi network. Ensuring only one network operating throughout the house by employing proper boosters.

The problem only happened with wifi. We were never able to use a wired connection with the QB2 because of where we wanted it placed

I’m presuming you’re on WiFi Pete…?
I’d be pretty certain that a dead spot or a WLAN issue (i.e Multicast) will be the root cause behind your issues….Shame I’m not a bit closer as I could probably nail it down for you (though possibly could remote in and have a look)….
I have a Qb2, Mu-so2 and a Mu-so1 and they’re all rock solid, instant availability and response every time…but then they’re on Ethernet.
TBH, even though I install WiFi typically as part of networks for clients and if done well/optimal can be trouble free, I will always prefer and defer to Ethernet for almost all uses….the only time I use WiFi, personally, is for a bit of light browsing……

Re the OP: I’m not sure on the Nano, but is it possible to turn off and back on the BT on the iPod? If so, does that initiate a re-connection…or is it only when you reset the Qb…?
The Nano will have a much old BT spec than the Qb, though shouldn’t in theory make a difference and is backwards compatible……
How close do you have the iPod and does it move around in the times when not in playing use?
My hunch is on the Nano being the root cause…Do you have any other BT devices than you can compare with…?


They’ll all be wired when we build.

Get them to run Cat6A through the walls if poss (doesn’t have to be STP, in fact is a pain if it’s screened as you have to see it all the way through and there’s no real need in a domestic setting)….You’ll unlikely utilise the 10G capabilities unless you have serious network requirements, but just future proofs the property somewhat and you may as well whilst cable is being pulled, 6A UTP isn’t much more expense these days than standard 6 ….


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We have fibre running straight past us, even now I get 110 download 45 upload which is slightly faster than when we lived in Sydney

You mean at the new place, to the house…? FTTP…or will it be FTTN…?

We’re in an old place in the hills (was my wife’s parents place), the area doesn’t even have much underground drainage/sewage and the properties are all septic tanks (mainly due to all the rock in the hills)…We’re on FTTN and have a solid 106/19Mb/s …Can’t complain really and I’ve never had any issues with the NBN….I’d love to have a faster package but we seem to be on the limit of what the old copper can provide….But in reality, 100Mb is fine most of the time. Apparently they’re bringing full fibre to the area in early ‘25, so I guess that’s when the real jump will happen……

We’ve got nbn here but it’s through the old phone lines, they’re currently running fibre to town which should be here by the time in finish building.

Thanks for the info re cabling as I’m just talking to our builder re those things.

No prob…just give me a shout if any queries…

Will email you shortly actually – sorry, we went out for a bit last night and time slipped away…

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No problems we’ve got my wife’s nephew and he’s partner here as well.

Apart from the things that @S.C has suggested, have you tried a power off restart of your Qb 2 instead of a reset? They are completely different things and restart which takes much less time and effort is highly likely to solve your issue.

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[quote=“S.C, post:4, topic:32959”]
Re the OP: I’m not sure on the Nano, but is it possible to turn off and back on the BT on the iPod? If so, does that initiate a re-connection…or is it only when you reset the Qb…?
[/quote]Thanks, but turning the iPod’s Bluetooth off and back on doesn’t help.

[quote=“S.C, post:4, topic:32959”]
How close do you have the iPod and does it move around in the times when not in playing use?
[/quote]The iPod, when I’m trying to pair it with the Mu-so Qb, is less than a foot away from the speaker. When it is not being used with the Mu-so Qb, I turn off the Bluetooth function (to save battery power) and store it in another room in my house.

Sorry about the formatting of my last post in reply to @S.C. I thought I was using the quote function properly, but evidently not. And there’s no ability to edit one’s posts on this forum—is that right?

BTW, I’d appreciate it if the replies to this thread could stick more closely to the thread topic, which involves Bluetooth, not Wi-Fi. Thank you.

As a new member, there isn’t, but you do get the facility as your Trust Level increases over time and positive activity.

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Well, whilst the situation isn’t ideally helped by the turning off BT and moving the iPod away (presumably by more than 10m), which will be forcing the iPod and Qb to have to initiate the BT connection every time, it shouldn’t really be the cause of the problem, especially as you have the iPod well within range….
I think I would perhaps try the power off restart suggested by @davidhendon and see if this resolves anything for a time….

If not, I’d still be curious to test another (ideally more recent) BT device, i.e a phone…

Let us know how you go….


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Well, that’s us told…. :roll_eyes::rofl:


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Thanks, I’ll try that today.

@davidhendon I tested it, and a restart (as opposed to a reset) does indeed allow the iPod nano (7th gen) to pair/connect with the Mu-so Qb again via Bluetooth.

BTW, I’ll be testing this with my new Samsung phone shortly.

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