New Naim Audio Website

I’m not sure the fact that it’s always been initially useless is entirely reassuring. There must be a better way to get it right, or at least much better, before launching. This is Naim, one of the world’s top audio companies, not some little startup.


The Star seems to now come in two colours? I thought the grey was a special edition a while back?
Both the Star and the Nova are claimed to support eARC, unless this was added to recent production, it’s wrong.

When comparing not all specs are available for all devices. It would be good to align the specs, now it looks strange.

As other have pointed out, there’s a language thing. I’m comparing specs between a Star and Nova and get some English, some German and some French depending on the exact spec I’m looking at.

Just the words………our “resellers” says it all…….clinical, not our partners, our lifeline. Very sad to me.


On the About Naim page it says:

All Naim high-end products are developed and manufactured in our workshop in Salisbury, UK.

Although it doesn’t say what’s meant by high end, I suspect this is also old content and superseded by recent changes in manufacturing location? And is at least inconsistent with the labelling on the 200 and 300 series products.

Sorry to possibly be “the one” to raise manufacturing location. I’d very happily own a NAC332 regardless where it’s built!!!

Look here:

The Naim Audio Way | Naim audio


‘Almost all Naim products are hand-assembled by our experts in our Salisbury workshop. Different ranges have dedicated production and finishing areas structured around manufacturing and control ‘cells’. Each cell builds a product from start to finish, using state-of-the-art equipment and tools.’

Challengeable me thinks.

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I believe it’s currently correct as I’m told there’s nothing being built at the Slovakia site for the time being. That site was used just to provide the extra capacity needed for the New Classic launch.

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Have read it 5 times and I don’t understand it. Never heard talk about cells. That’s me being in production of consumer products for 15 years. Lost in translation?

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Scroll down to the text which refers to the NDS:

Innovation and know how Naim Audio | Naim audio

I’d suggest that the various routing trees need a good thinning-out and re-ordering, as there are so many potential ‘circulations’ evident when you dive down the 'pages.

It’s like someone in marketing wanted all links installed, which simply overloads the pagination and confuses the viewer.


Teams or work groups would read better.

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The NDS shouldn’t be being mentioned as it was stopped years ago.

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…hence why mentioned.

The Mu-So circular tour. Click the top-level Connected Speakers link. You arrive at a page entitled Mu-So with two further links - Connected Speakers (I thought I was supposed to be there already) and Mu-So. Clicking Mu-So just refreshes the page you are already on. Clicking Connected Speakers takes you to a page entitled Connected Speakers with a link to Discover. Which takes you to (wait for it…) the previous Mu-So page.

I’m sorry @Richard.Dane - for a premium brand to have a website this bad is shocking. I hope they can reinstate the old one while this new one gets sorted out.

This is not a hero shot picture of a NAP 500 DR !


“suspending circuit boards on brass sub-plates to create an isolated environment for critical electronics are two applications of this principle. “

Would be better to focus on the latest generation and their innovations. I guess there should be something to talk about, no?

It looks very good, I am sure there will be teething problems - but that is to be expected

It is amazing how many audio companies expect you to know their ranges , but it is nice and simple

Yea I noticed a bunch of German when I tried to compare 2 different products.

I think the contrast is a little low on the b/w photos,

On the plus side using a MacBook Air M1 and Safari 17.2.1 I don’t get any flashing images or distractions. Perhaps because my default is to turn autoplay off.

FYI, it scrolls down nicely on my laptop with MS Edge (W10). It appears there are some browser issues?

*** Reposted in the correct topic ***

Why is some of the explanatory text on the “new” Naim website in German when accessed from the UK?

Eg: * Multi-Room :
Multiroom-Streaming (mehrere Streamer gleichzeitig abspielen) und „Party-Modus“ (Synchronisierung von bis zu sechs Naim-Streamern) sowie Steuerung über die „Focal & Naim“-Anwendung

I didn’t think HTML/SAML coding was that difficult :joy:.


PS From an age when if it couldn’t be coded in FORTRAN, it wasn’t worth coding.