New Naim Audio Website

It looks very good, I am sure there will be teething problems - but that is to be expected

It is amazing how many audio companies expect you to know their ranges , but it is nice and simple

Yea I noticed a bunch of German when I tried to compare 2 different products.

I think the contrast is a little low on the b/w photos,

On the plus side using a MacBook Air M1 and Safari 17.2.1 I don’t get any flashing images or distractions. Perhaps because my default is to turn autoplay off.

FYI, it scrolls down nicely on my laptop with MS Edge (W10). It appears there are some browser issues?

*** Reposted in the correct topic ***

Why is some of the explanatory text on the “new” Naim website in German when accessed from the UK?

Eg: * Multi-Room :
Multiroom-Streaming (mehrere Streamer gleichzeitig abspielen) und „Party-Modus“ (Synchronisierung von bis zu sechs Naim-Streamern) sowie Steuerung über die „Focal & Naim“-Anwendung

I didn’t think HTML/SAML coding was that difficult :joy:.


PS From an age when if it couldn’t be coded in FORTRAN, it wasn’t worth coding.


Many of the product pages and the comparator are interspersed with German.

Did nobody proof read this new website, quite a shambles.

Not even consistent across inputs and outputs on same page!


Sorry HL, what scrolls nicely?

…but if you scroll down to the Specs etc, they are all incorrectly ordered under the tabs, with some German sprinkled in :frowning_face:


Can see this thread getting messy,
Good luck,
Good bye,
See you on the next one, :rofl:

This should scroll – I think the page you ‘shot’, which shows the full pics of a head and PS.

Naim NAP 500 DR | High End Music Amplifier | Naim audio

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Hmm… Never seen that before… :thinking:

Sorry - perhaps penny just dropped. Yes, the large pic is pants (not a 500) - I couldn’t understand what it was doing there.

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The page does scroll down fine, I screenshot all I could get in!

The point was that the top picture is not a NAP 500 DR !

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Yep - see above.

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Someone’s used OpenAI to generate the text I reckon. And then translated it into English from another language. Re the NAP 500 DR - “Our highly skilled technicians in Salisbury spent days on the dedicated assembly…” Is there only one NAP 500 DR? When did they spend those days? We should be told.
“…allow the NAP 500 to provide an even greater musical pace, rhythm and timing.” What, even more timing? This is drivel. No-one talks like this.


No worries, but looking at the new site, I could be here all night with ‘observations’…

A general thought.

As much as it is nice to have some humans moving around the pages, where is the visual link to music, musicians, concerts, recordings, instruments etc?

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Nope. It’s no excuse. Should be - and could be - better.


NAPS 300.

Also mixing upper/lower case - nap NAP NAC

Someone being responsible of www obviously was bit lazy.

It’s also not OK to add text like this smacked centered over the hero image.

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It appears the ‘modern way’(?), to adorn websites with ‘associations’ – IMHO, this new 'site is simply over-stuffed with articles and banners (esp the repetitive one asking you to join the marketing letter), being poorly ordered and menu’ed. Less is often more.

I’m also struggling to understand if it’s designed to be read on a 'phone or a PC/laptop, as it’s ‘too much’ for my laptop e.g. too much movement, scaling is awry etc,

Apols – I was misled by the tag of being a ‘hero shot’, when it’s not even a 500DR. My little brain was trying to process how they could re-case the 500 with a side heatsink and logo (as shown?).

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