New Naim Audio Website

Under Accessories → Cables and Interconnects

SNAIC does not appear on the main Cables and Interconnects Page until you look at another product (note it is not included on all of the others) then it is included as a Similar Product.

The navigation on the Focal site appears less chaotic than on the Naim site - but it looks as though the text shares the same author. For example the Diablo Utopia Colour Evo loudspeaker is described thus:

The Diablo Utopia speaker is compact, bewitching and audiophile. This is the ultimate vision of the library enclosure. Inspired by Grande Utopia, she stands out in the yield of mediums and grave thanks to Power Flower ™ technology. Fixed on its dedicated foot, it delivers perfectly defined medium and acute and releases a bass from a power outfit never reached so far. An excellence audio product for those who aspire to a perfect quality of listening.

Pardon? The words are in English but it’s unintelligible.


Richard - first observation the locate dealer facility is just not right. Sorry for being blunt.

Other than JL Milton Keynes I think my 3 nearest dealers are in Oxford and they just don’t appear.

I like the new layout. I’ve good hope for a nice end-result. Dealer lookup needs a bit attention:


Yes, I’ve spoken with the team this morning and they acknowledge that there’s an issue there with the data input that’s being looked into.

Just so everybody knows, the feedback is being collated and the key issues are being worked on as I type.

Thanks to all of you who have given constructive feedback so far.


I keep imagining this conversation:

Development team: “Can we get some forum feedback on the new site?”

Richard: “Be careful what you wish for”



“Filter by universe” - seems my April fool was rather prophetic!


Same observation. Well foreseen!

It sounds like the sort of “English” translation common on Chinese products!

Translating (via a Win 10 translator), Focal’s domestic 'site wording renders the below, and makes one think that Focal’s web translator is some way behind MS’s!

‘The Diablo Utopia speaker is compact, mesmerizing and audiophile. This is the ultimate vision of the bookshelf speaker. Inspired by Grande Utopia, it stands out for its midrange and bass performance thanks to the Power Flower™ technology. Attached to its dedicated stand, it delivers perfectly defined mids and highs and unleashes a bass with a power that has never been achieved before. An excellent audio product for those who aspire to perfect listening quality.’


Good - as it should be.

A formal Snag List will be needed.

Is there any indication of when Version 1.1 of the Naim site might appear…? To save people keep checking to see if ‘their’ Snag has been fixed…?

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HL, I’ve been told that the developer is aware of some W10/Edge issues and is looking into it.

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I’m told the comments are being put into a list and worked on from there. I would guess that the site will gradually evolve over the coming days, couple of weeks.

That is the correct and normal way, to ‘debug’ a system - which is what a website is.

Part of the Old Day Job… :grinning:

Richard is the site being developed in the UK or France?

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The Focal & Naim marketing team are mostly based in France. I don’t know where the other partners/developers that they are working with are based.

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My so-bad-they-refused-to-enter-me-for-the-Olevel French can do better than whoever did the translation! And regarding the Naim website, it really is unforgiveable to publish online without someone with a proper command and understanding of English to have checked (but anyway, why on earth take German or other language and translate into English for much of it, rather than lift text from the old Naim site?)


Just tried to subscribe to the newsletter and got an error

I’ve subscribed to the newsletter several times in the past but never seem to receive it.

General feedback:

  • too many errors as others have noted
  • navigation confusing as you seem to keep going back to where you were if you don’t actually click on something
  • French style language too “flowery” for me and I suspect many anglo saxons. To my mind this makes it sound like you’re selling snake oil rather than the fantastic products you have. I appreciate the is difficult as you have to hear it to understand!
  • Product range seems to be splattered all over the place, I think it made more sense to me before when it was based on the hierarchy so e.g. separates from a range were all in one place rather than the source in one place, amp somewhere else

Glad that Naim is trying to progress - hope things are fixed quickly.

Yes, I think certain things will become functional soon. The support functionality is another one.

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