New Naim Audio Website

If the new website is a work in progress, and errors and omissions were expected, I hope enough resource has been set aside to deal with these. If so many issues have been identified by a bunch of Naim users looking at the new site in “own-time” the basic proof reading / testing seems lacking to say the least. Shame it’s gone live so early in development.


Hero image on Nait50 is scaled wrong so not showing full content.


That was the first time I have used the term ‘Hero Shot’ so apologies for the confusion!

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350 specs is a mix of german and “error”. I forgot to mention my hourly charge is 100EUR.

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Suggest look at the ‘Brochure’ tab for the 500…which takes you to the ‘Reference Manual - English’. For a moment I thought they’d commissioned a proper brochure :grin:

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Talking about manuals, I couldn’t find the older product manuals under support… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Under NDX2 the upgrade path is NSC 222, Is it so?

555PS refers to a CD player not being made for many years. It’s also called “NAPS 555 DR”.

NAC552 shows green LEDs on the new page.

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I know there are two Naim dealers in Chester but I can’t find either. In fact, I can’t find anything other than"Focal powered by Naim" boutiques.
Other stuff like accessing the manuals isn’t as simple either.
Don’t want to be negative but I really don’t like it. Too flashy for my liking.

Hmm…were you looking under ‘Other Ressources’ (sic)?

Seems these have gone AWOL, as you say.

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I have never seen tech specs being referred to as “Acoustic” (everywhere).

Bullets are shows in different ways depending on page. Different type faces are used. It’s a mess really.

The more you dig the more you find this new website is utterly abject.

Here’s what Innuos (a naim competitor) tell you on the ”find a dealer” page…

Here’s what naim can muster.


The Itinerary link gives google driving instructions to get there, presumably because no phone/email/website is available and we will all just drive to dealers from now on.

Who at Focal/naim, at an executive level, approved release of this website. At my company they’d be invited to leave tomorrow.

This is simply not true. A website is a company’s brand, the online brand and reputation is at stake. Any companies I’ve worked with want a near perfect website launched, and any errors are stamped on rapidly.

The new naim website looks more “hobbyist”. It’s more than a work in progress, it’s an early beta which should never have seen the light of day on the public internet.


Apologies, first click made me think it may not reflect forum demographics though I haven’t explored so that may be unfair but it looks superficially in keeping with the current control app.

Will approach from a different perspective - what’s important to me (initially):

1 - Product manufacturing serial numbers/date
2 - Availability of old manuals not just current products
3 - Clear differentiation of current/legacy products and availability of specifications for older ones
4 - up to date dealership information
5 - transparent pricing of servicing/repair by country


Its a shame as there is a much underused beta thread where we could have made our comments to help improve the site.


Naim Universe? What? :face_vomiting:


The elephant in the room is encouraging me to deep dive into a bit of blue skies thinking.


I’d love a glimpse of the feedback you give to Naim’s marketing team. :grinning:

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Yet again customers do the QC.
It’s the future.
“ Almost all Naim products are hand-assembled by our experts in our Salisbury workshop.“

There are so many layout inconsistencies. Under Sources~Power Supplies, the NAPS 555 DR and the NPX 300 are both described as Power Supply. But the NPX TT is a Power supply.

In the Phono Stage section, the NVC TT is a MM/MC phono preamplifier. The Superline and Stageline aren’t anything.

In the Integrated Amplifiers section there is a mix of Integrated Amplifer and Integrated amplifier - except for the Nait XS 3 - which is described as a Power Amplifier.

There are plenty more examples.

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Surely ‘Join the community’ would have a link to this forum which would thoroughly benefit from ’new blood’ - new Naim owners of lifestyle/newer products are likely quite under represented here?

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You’re reading it