New Naim Internet Radio - feedback & requests

Hi @sihctr

Now added. See:

Searchable in English and Greek.

Have fun!


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Hi @Mrhappy

Yes, it will update without the display working.



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Hi @RexManning

If you are based in the Netherlands then the radio main menu should look like this:

And the brands menu should look like this:

If it doesn’t can you raise a support ticket with our help desk. As we will need a few unique details from your streamer, it’s best that it isn’t done on a public forum.

If it does the same as the pictures above, can you let us know which stations you can’t find any more.

Best regards


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It does look like this indeed. Which is my issue with it, I don’t listen to local radio and would like to change the default local to either US or UK.

Changing the Timezone in the settings didn’t do anything.

A better global search would help, as I have no idea where most of my previous favorites are based.

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just use the search function!!

You are the best!

Hi Rex,

The default country view can’t be changed, it’s mainly to keep the legal side happy that we are offering by default stations definitely intended for the listener. International stations are a grey area on licensing as many are genuinely licensed for worldwide or multi-country listening. Others are not, but failed to configure their servers correctly.

If you browse to International then all other countries can be found though snd can br browsed.
If you’ve saved the stations in presets previously then searching for the names using the top right search option should find the stations, and then re-save the preset.




I would and tried, that kind of functions like global search, but is limited in results and does no filtering.

Thanks Steve. Too bad!

Search could be improved though, with filtering. Try finding Classic FM for instance. Possible and knowing the new icon helps, but still not as easy as could be. If the name started with a B it would not have come up in the search as the result nr is limited.

I will make it work

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I cheated and run Naim Jazz through Roon. All Meta present :slight_smile:

Yes, somebody else in another thread on the subject some time back mentioned that Roon managed to present the metadata on the HD stream….Apparently, or rather it was suggested, that the Roon Meta Bots are cleverly picking up the info from the SD stream and then attaching to the HD feed……
Unfortunately, I’m not using Roon, though have been tempted to explore in the past, especially during times of woe re metadata functionality from my Core and within the Naim App…!


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Speaking of countries, when browsing there’s still a category Europe & UK. Surely the post Brexit tug boats thing was a joke and the UK hasn’t actually left the continent?


Hi Steve,
after breaking up with vtuner, I miss “The Jazz of Wiesbaden”. Is it possible to add this?


Now added:


Best wishes



@Stevesky One nice feature would be if when browsing an indication of the stream quality could be given. Like a small HD icon for example.

When browsing for new stations, for example by genre, you now have to play them one by one to find out if quality is acceptable and programming is acceptable. It would be nice if one could already know which are more worth checking out on the non-subjective of the two metrics.

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Hi Steve,

I notice for a while that the dutch station named Baars Classic Rock is attached to the wrong stream. It’s a stream from Rivierenland radio. The right stream is Is it possible to attach this stream?



Hi @Dennis82

Good spot - now fixed.

Many thxs


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Thanks Steve!

Now an another one. Kink 90’s, a dutch station for 90’s music. It’s not listed yet. URL: and the URL for station logo is I hope you can add this station, the url is changing often.



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Hi @Dennis82

Good spot. Here we go:



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Hi @n-lot

I’ll pass your feedback back to the UI team. I know they are working in that area and your thoughts are similar to theirs.

Europe & UK - Nigel Farage is our cartographer :slight_smile:

