New service and repair costs?

The DR upgrade + servicing package only includes servicing on the unit with the DR modules - as listed in the table above. So for a 552, you’d need to get the head unit serviced separately to the NAPS 552 DR. Allows you to split the cost if you can’t afford both at once, which is one upside…

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Yes, these are the UK guideline prices from 6th January 2022, superceding the previous guideline pricing, which has remained unchanged since 2019.

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Thanks Claire.

Thank you @Naim.Marketing
That’s really thoughtful of you and your Naim
colleagues to share this information.

Thank you.

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I’m gonna try a call Clare as my email to your service dept a week ago, has been ignored about the faulty CD ROM drive in my brand new Uniti Star

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Thanks for the dr upgrade info- I know its just a guideline but I now know if I do decide to get separate pre and power amps its cheaper to buy a 2nd hand dr version than buying a second hand non dr and then upgrading

Did you get a ticket number? The team are extremely busy with the Christmas/New Year backlog, but I can flag it to check it’s in the system.

For a truly minor cosmetic issue - like a failed logo - it may be something the Service team would consider tackling under the Service costs, but that would be 100% at their discretion. Again, something your dealer could flag up for discussion at time the product is booked in.

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I did Clare and I guess I’m being impatient and a little curmudgeonly as I can’t use my new toy properly yet.
Thank you for the quick reply

Assume you’ve also contacted your dealer, too, if it’s a new unit with a problem?

I’ve just been reading this thread with great interest. I could fully understand the concerns expressed by members in this thread and it’s good that Naim have shared some information on servicing / repair costs. There are some eye watering sums involved. I’m thankful that the used 552 I bought late last year has already had the DR upgrade and has been recently serviced by Naim.

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More of a general question…when should an amplifier be serviced exactly? I have a SN2 from 2014. Is it in 10 years or earlier in case SQ would decrease or something?

I think that has become much more of a pertinent question now. The old days of servicing ‘just in case’ are passing. A fixed service recommendation is surely needed.

Excuse my ignorance, but why do you need to get a price off a dealer ( in my case a repair) ? Naim would do the repair which would include parts and labour, all the dealer would do is post it back to Naim. I understand they would charge for posting and their time and trouble, so surely it would be fairly straight forward ? I have a CDS3 that has no audio in the right channel, but if it’s going to cost silly money to get it repaired i shan’t bother.

You purchase the service or repair via your dealer, who then deals with Naim on all the logistics.

It can be found on the Naim website, although it might be a bit hidden…

“How often should I service my Naim product?
This is a question often asked, and the Service Department recommendations are as follows: for the Chrome bumper (circa 1975 to 1989) and Olive (circa 1989 - 2000) range products, we recommend every 8 - 10 years and for the newer black products (2000 - present), every 12 - 15 years.”


Just a very quick post to say that it made me smile to see the majority of Naim’s CD players listed in the Analogue category!



Yes they’ve gone up.

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As discussed in the other thread in ‘Lounge’ I’m still rather baffled by seemingly separate service and repair costs.

Fixed price servicing makes sense assuming it covers a standard replacement of components. The dealer can choose their price to charge accordingly, take it or leave it.

Fixed price repair does not make sense at all (I note discretion may be applied for failed logos etc) for several reasons:

1 - A service may in effect be a repair, I don’t want to pay twice. Might not happen I know but ‘on paper’ it looks like that. Equally a customer would not want the item serviced if it then turned out not to be repairable.

2 - If it’s a repair, how on earth can the dealer know the likely costs involved in the repair or know it won’t actually be fixed by a service, that would make it very difficult for them to estimate what to charge. It seems to me the dealer could just stick by the suggested service/repair price charging the customer in full, then pocket the difference between actual repair cost by Naim (is this clear to the customer?) and what the dealer charges the customer. That’s not intended to sound cynical it’s just unclear if the dealer’s margin is a fixed %age of what they charge or variable depending on what Naim determines the actual repair cost is and ‘charges’ the dealer for the work.

3 - Labour time could be very similar for service alone vs service and repair if a repair is minor and inexpensive - the combined service/repair costs are significantly higher than previously.

4 - Assuming a service is not likely to fix an item a diagnostic charge (fault or no-fault found) with an estimate for repair cost if feasible would seem fairer especially if a repair was minor in terms of cost and labour (particularly if done at time of service).

All in all as a customer trying to be honest and hopefully constructive it does seem to be a rather retrograde step in customer service/relations.

Sorry :neutral_face:


It’s their analogue sound :wink: