New turntable time & pre amp

So have a SN3 NDX2 and previously a Rega P6. Even though it was a spontaneous buy the Rega is a a preferred listen over the NDX2. As such, im looking to upgrade the turn table to keep it more inline with the rest of the system. As with all good dealers they give you a low, middle and high price points. Starting from the highest to the lowest:

Fletcher Omegapoint 5/Zero,-

Fletcher Omegapoint 3/Zero,-

Roksan Xerxes/Sara,-

Music Hall 11.3/Arm,-

Music Hall MMF 9.3/Arm,-

Music Hall 7.3/Arm

Any thoughts how they will sit with a SN3? Now the next question of course will be a pre amp for the turn table, so would also appreciate an initial thoughts. Although this is next years shopping list.

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Not knowing any of those, I’d certainly vouch for a better Rega. When I had a NDX2, albeit with XPSDR, and a Supernait 3, I had a Rega 10 with Apheta 3 and Aria phono stage. It was a brilliant deck and more than a match for the NDX2. If that’s too costly, the P8 is also excellent.


There’s quite a few people here with the latest generation Technics decks, so arguably they work well with Naim. I would definitely include those, as in addition to their sound, they’re build like tanks and will outlast you without ever needing any maintenance. Depending on budget consider either a SL-1200/1210 GR or SL-1200/1210 G.

Regarding the phono stage, I’d look at Lehmann Audio.


I doubt those listed above is any upgrade on a Rega P6, maybe a Roksan could rival.
Not sure which cartridge to be used.

If you don’t like Skeletal looks from Rega you might consider a Vertere deck.
If these are out of budget I’d suggest any of the recent Technics 1200 turntables that you can afford, they are surprisingly good but different to Rega presentation.
From 100C up to G.
Then there’s a brandnew Denon 3000 DD out.


I recently traded my LP12 in for a Rega P8 with Ania pro and the fono mc, into a SN3. Couldn’t face going further down the LP12 rabbit hole and I’m so glad I did, saving my spends up for a better phono stage, probably a Graham Slee Reflex and maybe a Nac 282.


The only ones I know which improve above the Rega arms and work very well with Rega decks, based on multiple reviews, are the Origin Live arms.
However I think a better choice would be to go for a P8.


You liked the P6 so it follows that you would like a TT higher in the range. So I would go with HH’s suggestion of P10 and Aria.

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An RB880 is a very good way to upgrade a P6, it’s the tonearm it should have come with in the first place IMO.

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Me too. OP obviously likes the Rega sound so I would recommend a “better” Rega. That could be done pretty safely without extensive auditioning IMHO. Otherwise it’s going to be a lot of auditioning which may be hard to do in-home.


Do you have any experience to suggest they are not an upgrade on a Rega? The review of pretty good for the fletchers. Just really looking for user experience.

Re build of the Rega P6 - compared to the build quality of the NAIm items it does look somewhat less quality. Especially the power box, etc.

Some of the players you have mentioned are rather pricy. I would have used half the budget of the TT on a good RIAA.

If you are already enjoying the sound of Rega why not go with a rega P10 and a good phono preamp? If you have a SN3, consider a Hicap DR — a surprisingly impressive system upgrade.

I have a SN3, ND5XS2 and Rega P6. I debated a new turntable but opted to grab a HiCap DR as they are being discontinued. I did not regret the decision: a nice lift for the whole system revealing a better soundstage and sense of depth from my table and digital sources.

If I make an upgrade in future it will be a P10, for sure. I’ve auditioned it and it’s outstanding at the price.


I don’t think a P6 to P8 the upgrade would be worth the cost. I’d add a HiCap DR to the SN3 or save for a P10 instead of a P8. Or just add a great phono preamp to the P6.


OP, take note of the excellent advice that’s been given by @TO_Vinyl.

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I’ve owned all three decks and the difference between 6 and 8 is very significant, and more than worth doing if the 10 is too much of a stretch.


I’m a big fan of the Xerxes, having lived with a Xerxes X for many years, as well as the original Xerxes before that. If you do decide to listen to a Rega 10, which I agree makes lots of sense if it’s within budget, then I think you could do worse than a shoot out between the Rega 10 and Xerxes 20. They are similarly priced and whilst they look quite different, they are both pretty compact.


Be real careful going by reviews on the internet - you never know their provenance! Something with a track record like a Linn or a Rega is the safest bet these days.


I’ve heard Nottingham decks many times, former design by Fletcher.
Its a matter of taste. I thought they sounded “heavy and slow” in lack of other words, the opposite as Rega which I very much preferred.

Music Hall and Project seem to have much in common, I never heard or experienced a Project deck that liked.


Yes, I would think the Roksan Xerxes 20 would likely rival the P6. I listened to a Rega 10 when I was deciding whether to invest further in my Xerxes X and potentially start down the Vertere route (Vertere psu etc…). I liked to the Rega, but I preferred the Xerxes. This was in a dealers environment and not at home, so probably not as definitive for me as it could have been, but I was happy enough to stick with the Xerxes.

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At three times the price, you’d rather hope that the Xerxes 20 would do a bit more than rival the Rega P6. Which I’m sure it does.