Nice Photos


(Soz I meant creative😉)

Is it a CGI picture or a manipulated image?:thinking:
Either which, it is very good :blush:

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@Jamiewednesday @QuickSticks
It’s an AI generated image. I opened a blank canvas, asked it to generate what I wanted and it generated 15 different examples. It took me less than 4 minutes to produce this individual piece of work. Like this or not, it’s here! We’re all doomed.

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4 minutes, that is impressive. However, it’s no Picasso😉




I don’t. And yes. Yes we are.

I can only suspect that 2D photo images risk becoming ever more ‘de-valued’ in an artistic sense. And that unfortunately is already from a low bar I feel.

However you can tell from the comments alone on something like the pictures of the day columns in The Times or Martin’s daily pics from Cambridge that people do like and appreciate good photos with a portion of human creativity. So, some hope remains.

I have a couple of projects in mind for as and when I move to part time/semi retirement, primarily as a project to stop me going nuts. Both involve a physical medium that can’t be replicated (stolen) by AI. And I suspect (hope?) may see some demand as a result.


When you really, really wish you’d brought a skateboard with you…


A full response to your post would need a whole thread. However, since digital processing has been going on for properly for at least 23 years, I think the idea that a picture taken of a street scene in jpeg format (which you’ve instructed the camera to process certain aspects) and saved without any intervention, is blinkered.

AI images still need to be created, chosen, cropped, etc… by someone who has an eye and if selling, you need to know what sells. Creativity never changes. I’ve been in the game for 39 years and I have a very good idea of what people want WHEN THEY’RE PAYING. Believe me, people paying and people casually ‘liking’ images on the net, are totally different. I process images with all the basic settings in Photoshop to certain levels to give people what they want, even though I don’t think they look quite how I’d have them on my wall.

There’s a plant group on Facebook where this lady produced AI images to sell. The plants, specifically of the group, were in jungle/forest type settings and were absolutely stunning. She had nothing to do with an artistic job and just quickly created them in her spare time. Her eye and ability were superb. There’s not many people like her.

This thread on twitter/X where someone asks AI to make a photo of his dog “look more Scottish” (repeat) is amusing and revealing in equal measure.

Especially when it started talking back…



This one killed me:



Yep. Wasn’t hard to see why one bit’s called the low town and the other bit’s called the high town. Hardly original but can’t fault their factual accuracy.

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I’m assuming this doesn’t work if not on twitter?

Sorry I don’t know. But it’s a web page as well as an app, so maybe.

Well I wasn’t expecting that and it sucked me in (not that that’s too hard). I did wonder why you posted the photo here instead of the pets thread.

Maybe all AI generated images should be tagged as such.


So it’s not his dog then?

I’m not even sure about that now.

“I thought you said your dog does not bite!?”

Yes, if enough images start appearing, probably needs its own thread, but I posted for reaction….which there wasn’t any😅

Yes it’s my dog, but we all know it doesn’t end well.