Nice Photos

Georgia, Caucasus


Last nights intense sunset. Slightly de-saturated as I think the phone camera was at its limits.



@IanF My frames from Torridon. Perhaps you will know exactly where I was! Sgurr Fiona? My memory of the whole weekend is sketchy. We left Fife about 6pm on a Friday. Fish supper in Blair Atholl possibly.

Companion in blue jacket and with fair hair was Bill, an American doing a Masters, really nice guy. The other guy I don’t remember at all.

Not having a copying lens, this evening I projected the non glass mounted slides onto my dad’s 1960’s cine screen and photographed the images. I now bitterly regret not choosing a white wall.


A few more:


The cardboard slide mounts are stamped FEB 82.

I bought my OM-1 about 18 months earlier.

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Calton Hill, Edinburgh.



Pico de Javalambre, Spain


You should try living in Midsomer , murder capital of the world .

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Hi Christopher,

Thank you for posting these; a Winter traverse must have been a real adventure. Most I can identify but it looks like you may have descended via Glas Mheall Liath, giving some different views to those I’ve seen previously.

  1. Above Shenaval, looking along Strath na Sealga to Loch an Nid. Creag Rainich on left, Beinn a’ Chlaidheimh on right.

  2. Sail Liath summit area (Fisherfield mountains in background).

  3. As above, but with Sgurr Fiona behind.

  4. Loch na Sealga with ridge to Beinn Dearg Bheag.

5 & 6. Probably views from near Glas Mheall Liath (presumably on descent after climbing Bidean a’ Ghlas Thuill). Appears to show Sail Liath and the initial scramble towards Sgurr Fiona.

  1. Sail Liath area - both Munros visible behind.

  2. Not sure, but looks like a view across to the A832, where you were likely parked.



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Was across the road, exercising Brodie, when looking up the North Channel I spotted this.

Possibly the clearest view of Jura I’ve ever seen from NI.



With a sub quietly slipping through?

One of “The Maidens”. The one with the ruined lighthouse.


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Hi Ian,

Thanks very much for such a detailed reply. You obviously know An Teallach incredibly well! I’ve spent some time this afternoon googling and looking at the mountains you have named. And frightening myself!

How did I have the nerve for that trip? The only answer can be the the naïvety of youth. I was twenty. Basically I didn’t know what I was letting myself in for. None of us did. You can see it in the clothing we were wearing. I had a blue Henri Lloyd cag over layers of Helly Hansen. Decent boots and thankfully not jeans. (We knew how to stop ourselves with an ice-axe.)

The leader was a lecturer in the microbiology dept. We had a meeting on the Tuesday before. He said the weather was looking good. About a dozen in the minibus I think.

About the images I’ve posted…they look pretty crap. My Mum died in June. After 63 years years of marriage, Dad is a bit lost. I told him I’d been talking about An Teallach to a chap on the forum who produces top work, and wanted to post some of my slides from when I’d been up there as a student. He offered his cine screen so enthusiastically to project them onto, that I couldn’t turn him down. But that screen… omg!

Anyway we had our weekly Tuesday supper together, he produced a nice Italian bottle, and I did the copies.

Thank you again. Now back to photographers posting their favourites…

Cheers, Chris

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10 times zoom thingy on my camera 'phone. Managed to capture the compression of the image.
Isle of Dogs looking north.


Weather slightly changed here in Mallorca.

But drama is the reward.

Los Celebrititos Catalanos. Possibly.


Palma is a favourite city of mine. It looks glorious there just now!



Blimey, you’re making up for those lockdown years aren’t you!


For all of us. :grin:

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