Nice Photos

I think what Tony’s driving at Bjorn is that the prime purpose and spirit of this thread has over the years been to show interesting pics that contributors have made.

That said we all do from time to time show other ‘interesting’ pics, perhaps because they fit within the context of another conversation, or they’re just plain ‘odd’ or of other note. We’ll usually annotate them as such and/or note why we’re posting it.

This is as opposed to, ‘I’ve been sent this nice pic from someone else and I’d like to share it’.

As you say, nothing wrong with that per se bar potential copyright issues but perhaps that merits a new thread?

Either way, it’s usually one of the least tetchy threads on any forum, so would be nice if we could all keep it that way.


Got it. No need for attitude. Back an thread.:sunglasses:

There have been a lot of pictures in this thread that weren’t taken by the person in question so I have to say I’m a little surprised by the reaction…

Cheers for that, Jamie.

OK, such as…?:wink:

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You can check for yourself… But of course, I can write in the future where the picture is from if it makes it easier for some… No problem :smirk:

Okay… Have been checking the thread and may have to backtrack a bit on my claims… Undeniably, it’s mostly photos and many, but certainly not all, seem to have been taken by the users. But the focus is undeniably photos taken in different parts of the world in any case so… Points received guys, sorry…




Ha ha, focus… I see what you did there :laughing:

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So, I tried one of those cheapo, fixed apertue pancake lenses.

Really not all that but a bit of fun. Until I got bored of it!


Window bloom one day, then another…


Play nicely everybody.



Were I digitally editing a photo myself I’d probably be quite fussy, but a casual look at a low resolution image like that might have produced a ‘that’s nice’ reaction but I wouldn’t have felt the need to scrutinise in any detail as it wouldn’t have been important.

I’ve been dabbling with some AI image generation in recent days and it’s pretty frightening what a few words of ‘text to image’ can generate - it’s not perfacet with limb positions and hands/digits so far - a lot of the time yes, but depending on the settings/engines used there can be some odd contorted appendages!

Beach Houses


Cleaning the bandstand


Simplicity: A cup of coffee and reading the local paper on a rainy Friday in March…


Is the snow all gone, Bjorn? You guys seemed to have had a very cold winter

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Yes, it has been really cold at times, down to minus 45 degrees in northern Sweden and a lot of snow. Here in central Sweden, we haven’t had it quite as tough, around minus 15, but now it seems that spring is slowly on its way.


Sadly, after a couple of weeks we are heading back to the rain tomorrow.


I hadn’t realised that Boras Tidning was a newspaper- I thought it was somewhere in Middle Earth :wink: