Nice Photos

I’ll do my best, Tony!

Much appreciated.



Excellent photos.

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The guy…


…had asked for a towel but I replied that I could only offer some sun and the warm breeze.



Another from the Himalayan archive.

Early morning view of Cho Oyu the sixth highest mountain in the world, seen from Gokyo village after a night of fresh snowfall.

And from a bit closer.




I find your comment rather odd and seemingly supercilious quite frankly, and have delayed responding.

a) I didn’t raise the matter of the innocuous (to me) photo in the first place, nor was I the only one to reply text only, including yourself.


Hardly a ’nice photo’ if that is all which is permissible in this thread.

b) I may not have knowingly contributed to this photo thread but probably did to an older one, yes photos would be more constructive I agree. To put things in context I had simply been annoyed with media speculation/coverage about the photo earlier that day on TV/websites. Maybe I had a bit of a rant which irritated you, but I simply felt that the criticism in the press of an innocently edited composite photo which might have been prepared ages ago was truly pitiful when the poor woman (‘royal’ or otherwise) was recovering from surgery with prior official press releases clearly indicating she would not be returning to ‘official duties’ before Easter.

c) If you are a journalist/media type apologies if I generalised and offended you, but it was not a response to you specifically.

If the darned rain stops I may be able to oblige with some amateur photos in coming months.

Best wishes



I’m in a similar position in that I couldn’t give two fingers about Kate’s whereabouts, if she’s had a tricky op and it’s taking a while to get over it, then best wishes and good luck to her. Leave her alone.

What I find bizarre is the ‘oddness’ of the pic. Not just why bother with the pic in the first place, but why the edits and why the oddness about them?

As someone who is used to spotting odd features in pics, a few immediately popped out when the pic was splashed on the BBC website, which I found intriguing. I saw something yesterday showing a total of about 20 odd edits. I can understand some casual editing resulting in 1 or 2 odd bits, but 20?!

I assume it’s just a poor software ‘fix this’ effort but I understand Kate’s a keen photographer and Will likes to be in control of things, so the oddness is odd.

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You’ve obviously got a good spotter’s eye. As I said before, the only thing I noticed when I first saw the photo was her lack of rings.
What I find ridiculous is that it was the main news story for several days. With all the other issues going on around the world, it was a huge overreaction, however “clumsy” the photo-editing might have been.


Yes, if you are a little pessimistic, you can say that this world we live in nowadays has really developed into a fool’s paradise considering everything that is happening around us :unamused:


Thank you.

Looking forward to seeing some of your pics here!


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A beautiful day here in the Vaucluse
A 20 mile bike ride on deserted roa



Is that your own photo or off the net?


From my fb feed

Someone else’s then. Thanks. :sunglasses:



Nothing. I just prefer, as I did when I started the thread, that people post their own images.
That’s all.


Hardly up to you to have any opinions about it, the thread is free and for anyone who wants to post a picture they like even if you started the thread :man_shrugging: If you don’t like the picture, just keep scrolling…

Somebody went to the trouble of composing that picture and basically you just copy and pasted and posted here. At least you should have credited the person out of courtesy assuming it was not copyright protected at all.


If I had known who made it, I would have mentioned it… But it is not protected because it is in an open art group :man_shrugging: Are you having a bad day today or what is the problem?