Nightwish - Birmingham'21 and beyond

Female vocal fronted options:

Ad Infinitum
Amberian Dawn
Beyond The Black
Dark Sarah
Walk In Darkness

Male vocals

Lords Of Black
Van den Plas


Thanks for suggesting Auri who are new to me. Listening now.

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You are most welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

Auri are directly related to Nightwish - clearly. I think they are fabulous.

Hoping that an Auri 3 may arrive, at some point. But will likely need to wait for Nightwish’s next album, which is In Work currently. Expect later this year, I think…@/


Last night, I went to see a local Pink Floyd tribute band, Dark Side of the Wall. They didn’t play this. So… Lets see what Nightwish did with it. From 2005, in Helsinki. Marko on vocals. Enjoy.

Pink Floyd’s High Hopes -

I miss Marko… :cry:


Short from Tuomas.

Cellar Darling - Queen cover - !! Wow…

Floor -

I had to look this one up…

The Carpenter (from Angels Fall First) -

October 2018 - Charlotte, NC, USA -

I wanted to thank everyone for their suggestions about other bands I might listen too. The gendre has many more bands than I anticipated!

In parallel, I have been going down the Tarja rabbit hole and I must say that there are some absolutely beautiful songs and vocals in her solo catalog.

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Forum Normal Service… :smiley:

Personally… the Tarja era songs are fine (some are great) - as are the Anette ones…
But… I prefer Floor singing them… :open_mouth:

YMMV, of course. And the Completists will still want the original versions (I have all the Tarja and Anette era original CD’s).

I have read reports that when Nightwish fired Tarja (in 2007), one Floor Jansen was already on their radar. But she was still with After Forever. Guess they didn’t approach her, then…? But once Anette told them she would be taking a break (she was pregnant), Floor was lined up to stand in. Then Anette got fired or left - and Floor famously got a phone call and had 48 hours to learn the setlist… :astonished:

Best Regards,
Floor Fan

Its Floor’s birthday today… :grinning:

From Floor - ‘Thrilled to be celebrating another year of life, music, and magic today! :tada::partying_face: Overwhelmed by all your messages and love - thank you! :heart: Apologies for being a bit quiet recently, but I promise to be back!’

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Not Nightwish, but I think Nightwish fans will ‘get’ this.

Eivor -

From YouTube comments -
‘Trøllabundin means spellbound. In the viking age, ‘Galder’ was a kind of magic song that was used in seiðr (magic/witchcraft) practiced by mainly women, and to ‘galdra’ was to affect something by magic singing.’


Nightwish adjacent.

Leaves’ Eyes have a new album out today on your favourite streaming services and available on CD/LP. Some vocals are a little “growly” in places for my liking but overall it’s a pretty decent slice of Viking tinged symphonic metal.
A couple of good sing-a-long choruses as well.

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New Nightwish Album just announced…!!

Yesterwynde is a fantastical voyage through time, memory, and the better angels of human nature. Three years in the making, we’re thrilled beyond words to share our tenth album with the world on September 20th!

Single ‘Perfume Of The Timeless’ will mark the beginning of this new era and will be released on May 21st.

  1. Yesterwynde
  2. An Ocean Of Strange Islands
  3. The Antikythera Mechanism
  4. The Day Of…
  5. Perfume Of The Timeless
  6. Sway
  7. The Children Of 'Ata
  8. Something Whispered Follow Me
  9. Spider Silk
  10. Hiraeth
  11. The Weave
  12. Lanternlight

(info via FloorWorld)

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I will hold fire until I see some positive reviews as last album (Human II Nature) was poor and even Endless Forms was disappointing imo.

Just posted to YouTube - Nightwish - first track from the new album -



By Nuclear Blast Records, Frank Meadow Sutcliffe


It growing on me


I really like it. It reminds me of Human : Nature II, as well as Tuomas’ work with Auri. I suspect a lot of diehard Nightwish fans from the early days who prefer a harder heavy metal sound will not like it.