Nightwish - Birmingham'21 and beyond

I just renamed it… slightly. What would you like it called… Nightwish & more…?

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I think I saw Floor allude to that in a recent interview, I think…? Saying she loves touring, but Nightwish are stopping for a while…? They have done A LOT of touring.

My guess-wish - the new Nightwish album (*) - and then more Auri…!

(* - I believe Tuomas has written everything - and some band members have heard the tracks.)

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No need to change it, it my attempt at a comical introduction to an article


As someone said in a comment to a YT video

Album / tour / cancer / pregnancy / own album and tour / Ayreon etc maybe needs a rest especially as Sabaton are on tour at the moment.


Some more insights to be found here -


Oooh… Look what YouTube found for me…!!


OK, there are some omissions here. Its been often quoted than Anneke van Giersbergen (ex - The Gathering) was a big influence on Floor. If you watch the YouTube video at around 5-55, you can hear Floor sounding very much like Anneke. IMO… YMMV… its the Interwebz…

(You can also hear quite a bit of Tarja, too…)

[Like quite a few YouTube pieces, the words are almost a direct crib from the After Forever Wikipedia page… But… hey its worth a watch…]

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The first 3 songs - and a different view -



Nice picture of Floor, from her Metallica support slot -


Here’s a Nightwish cover for you…

Imagine this… with the full band - and with Troy on other assorted olden instruments… :open_mouth:

And Floor…

PS. Whats a Nyckelharpa…?



Excellent! ‘Patty Gurdy’ on hurdy-gurdy. She’d be wasted on Eurovision. Don’t know who plays the nyckelharpa. Thanks Ian.

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In this case… its Patty again…! (its the bowed instrument that she plays here.)

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We know the Nightwish guys are good and that they appreciate their roadies and technicians

Can’t be many bands whose road crew are both good at their own jobs and good at the jobs of their front of house ‘staff’:grinning:

Crewish We were Here


I think this began as a Covid lockdown project, to help out the Nightwish crew… :thinking:

(I would hope that the various ‘techs’ for any band would be able to play the instruments that they look after…)

Here’s another, with the Nightwish crew doing what they do…

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I was slow on the up take earlier today!

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If you need a short summary of the history of Nightwish and the trials & tribulations along the way…


So… can you sing with a Symphonic Metal band while heavily pregnant - and still Windmill as well…?

Floor - “Hold my low alcohol beer…” :open_mouth:

From Stockholm, 3rd June’23 -


I missed this - Nightwish have cancelled the last date of their tour -

Quote - “Due to circumstances concerning Floor’s health, we’re unfortunately forced to cancel our show in Oslo on the 22nd of June. Floor’s pregnancy is totally unaffected, and she heads home for some much needed rest.”

“Even though all six of us are gutted over this decision, it was an easy one to make, as health must always come first. On a more positive note, the rehearsals and recordings of the new album begin in less than two weeks, so onwards!”

So… bit of a rest then… recording time…!!


More Floor, anyone…?

Top 25 Floor-songs… :crazy_face:

@FloorJansenOfficial - The Top 25… so far!