Nightwish - Birmingham'21 and beyond

From FloorWorld - Shows Cancelled -

With great regret, I have to cancel my shows on the 6th and 8th July. The reason is that my health is not good enough to responsibly perform the shows. I became exhausted after my last show with Nightwish in Finland. So much so that I collapsed and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. There, the doctors determined that my baby is healthy and I don’t have any serious illnesses. However, I was so fatigued that continuing to work is no longer an option. The show with Nightwish in Oslo had to be cancelled as a result of this. That was 3 weeks ago. I had hoped that I would be able to rebuild enough energy to still perform those wonderful solo shows in the Netherlands. But unfortunately, that’s not the case. To ensure the health of both myself and my unborn baby, I need to rest and focus entirely on my recovery and the final phase of my pregnancy.

Cancelling a show breaks my heart! It’s a decision I definitely don’t take lightly. But I hope to welcome you back to one of my shows in the near future! In good health. For now, I will temporarily bid farewell to the public stage and promise to take good care of myself and my little one.

Love, Floor


Once long ago there was a concert filmed marking the End of an Era and a bit of bad blood ensued.

Fast forward 18 years this popped up on my YT feed.


@VinoVeritas - Thank you for posting this… :slightly_smiling_face:

Good to see Tarja - and Marko - on good form and happy… :grin:

Another take (a closer view) on the same performance -

(big Marko fan here - very sad that he left Nightwish… :slightly_frowning_face: )


We have not had a (good) Nightwish reaction YouTube for a bit…

Soooo… How about this one…?

Song of Myself - from Wacken 2013 (??) -

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Just seen this - a reaction which is NOT for Ghost Love Score - !!

And I had not seen this rather wonderful video for Endless Forms before…


From a Floor update on her website, Floorworld - she recorded the vocals for the new Nightwish album, last week… :slightly_smiling_face:



Nightwish are from Finland… (mostly)…

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Update from Floor - you may need the subtitles…


Wow, she looks really natural, relaxed and well in that interview. I thought she’s looked quite tired in the last couple of years.

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She has had a bit of a break - partly forced by her collapsing after doing too much and then due to the arrival of Lucy.

She does have history with burn out, from her Revamp days. Maybe its just how she is…? She seemed to really kick off with her solo stuff, straight after Nightwish finished their recent tour.

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There is a full FJ concert up on YouTube - from Amsterdam 8th Dec’23.

But as this is a Nightwish thread… :astonished:

Here is Floor with Nightwish’s Our Decades In The Sun -


I recently discovered Nightwish and they are fantastic. Perhaps those more knowledgable could how I might approach their discogrphy. Thanks!


Welcome to Nightyish…!

I would start with the most recent albums - from the Floor era (*). So, Human:Nature, Endless Forms, Imaginaerum and Dark Passion Play.

Or… start with a live album, which will give you a wide(r) range of songs. Say Decades - or Showtime Storytime.

Have fun, exploring the world of Nightwish… :smiley:

(* Nightwish have had 3 lead vocalists - Tarja Turunen, Anette Olson and now Floor Jansen. All good, in different ways.)


Thanks so much Ian, that is very helpful. I’ve just been dipping my toes into the Nightwish catalogue but I spent some time yesterday streaming the Dark Passion Play album which is very impressive; just one great song after another so it has a degree of consistency which seems quite a rare find. Thanks again!


As good a start as any other. One from Anette.

Almost all the music and lyrics, on all the albums, are written by the keyboard player, Tuomas Holopainen.

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Welcome to the NWA - Naim Division sorry insider joke that the Naim Nightwish Army.

As Ian says 3 singers all different but to summarise

Firstborn - Tarja Turunen more operatic style personally I find her a little taxing but that’s my opinion.

Middle child - Annette Olsen more musical theatre style good in the studio didn’t wow the crowds live.

Latest Floor - a cross between the 2 previous singers + her own vocal style low death growls to ‘glass shattering’ high note great live.

Have fun each bring their own to party but under no circumstances ask who is ‘better’ Tarja or Floor



(No idea how I replied to IanRobertM!)

While I tend to be an album person in recent years I’ve really enjoyed watching Nightwish and similar bands on YouTube, the live performances are often stunning and full of energy, and after each YouTube tends to play similar things either from Nightwish or related bands.

Sometimes I wish I’d experienced the more recent albums actually as albums before seeing the videos/YouTube live performances to understand the band’s musical evolution better but as I have more of an AV room than a stereo room I had fairly decent sound when watching video on a big screen.

I had a long gap between an early Nightwish album years ago (Once) and more recent albums which rekindled my interest, there are some great links in this thread and it can be a bit addictive once you get started!

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