Nightwish - Birmingham'21 and beyond

Imaginaerum was recorded with Annette, although it is indeed during that tour they ditched her and replaced her with Floor :innocent:

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Thanks so much! On the subject of related bands, any recommendations?

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@philiprst Your starter for ten is:

Within Temptation
After Forever
Leaves’ Eyes
Flowing Tears


Ayreon (though probably not the most recent album). Try 'The Source’. The founder Arjen invites others to collaborate on different albums, Floor is on that as well as several others (again videos and live shows on YouTube).

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Like some others on here have found

Ayreon is worth a listen (progressive music (metal / blues / jazz you name it)

Blind Guardian ( power metal)
Vision of Atlantis
Dark Side of the Moon (not Pink Floyd album


I would give Beyond The Black a try.
They may not be quite as “symphonic” as Nightwish but some very catchy tunes, nice guitar and instrumentation and the lead singer Jennifer Haben has a very nice voice.

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Thanks so much for your recommendations. Much appreciated! I am relatively new to streaming so I have to keep reminding myself that it is now much easier to explore new music.

Imaginaerum - because I was listening to it, from my USB strick in my car.
And thought… isn’t it really good…?

Its 2nd of the two Nightwish albums with Anette. And still with Marko and Jukka. A different band…? Maybe - but nothing wrong with that. Tuomas is on record as saying no-one could have sung these songs better than Anette did. I agree.

Its perhaps a more Musical Theatre approach, that earlier (= Tarja) - and later (= Floor) albums. But it works so well. You also still get a Marko Song -

The Crow, the Owl and the Dove

Give it a go… :slightly_smiling_face:


Tribal - Official live, from Human:-:Nature tour -

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Post from Floor -

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Taking the time to revisit Imaginareum after your suggestion on the WAYLT thread.

Just love what I think is Annette’s best song

Slow Love Slow


Floor likes it, too… :astonished:

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Controversial I know but….

Anette for me Smokey jazz club after midnight vibes.

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You mean… like this…?

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Wow hadn’t seen that before.
Yes exactly that

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Neither had I… It just turned up in YouTube search… So… :expressionless:

The whole sound and atmosphere of the song is definitely smokey jazz club… :slightly_smiling_face:

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One of my favourite Nightwish albums. But I also like very much the Dany Elfman/Tim Burton universe this album clearly took inspiration from.
Agreed ref. Annette. She sounds good. However, as always I find that Floor elevates these songs further when she tackles them live.

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This turned up in my YouTube feed.

The Islander, from Birmingham O2 Academy, 2012.

Floor is still the new girl…!!


From the same concert - which was 6th Nov 2012. Which means… that Floor had been with the band for just over 1 month. One month…!! She seems to have got the hang of it - and is having fun. Maybe thinking… " I might want to stay with these guys… So better give it my best shot…! "


One day later… Glasgow, 7th Nov’12 - Back to Black…

Amaranth - for a change…