No sound from 552 (shorted Snaic 5)

Great news Mike and in time for the weekend

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Happy listening :+1:

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It doesn’t take many minutes to get used with something worse. But when you go back to the better you immediately realise why you spent the money getting there :sunglasses::+1:


So true, my dealer said the exact same thing today.

I was about to say something similar. So pleased it has worked out and you have put all those thoughts about moving on from Naim behind you :heart:

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Think you’ll find that Mike is so far ahead of us that his weekend is virtually over!

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Fantastic Mike. Even better sound to enjoy over the next week or so as it warms back up :clinking_glasses:

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Perfect :+1:
Maybe change the topic to:
No sound from 552 because of damaged Snaic 5 :wink:


So the short in the Snaic trashed two DR regulators in the PS?

One DR regulator, twice, two repairs :roll_eyes:

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Nice - I am very happy for you! 552 is that good - it is :blush:

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Snaic 2, DR regulator 0! :rofl:


I think it’s great you have such reliable and honest dealer


I’ve also taken the opportunity to tidy up a few loose ends with my set-up. The Burndies on the ND555 weren’t hanging free enough and I had to have the streamer to the edge of the Fraim shelf. I’ve now swapped the 552PS and 555PS around, which has resolved that :+1:

I’ve removed the BNC cable I had from the Core to the ND555, as I never use it - the Ethernet is better and the app UI is much better. I’ve put my spare Chord BNC Ground Array plug on that socket :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

With the LP12 upgrade, I decided to swap out the Chord Chrysalis RCA to DIN interconnect with my spare Audio Sensibility Statement SE Silver RCA Interconnects. That seems to do the job well :musical_score::guitar:. I had to swap the Farad 3 and Phono stage around, for the RCA cables to reach the 552 :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I just need to get a 5m optical cable to run from the TV to the ND555, as the 3m one is a bit short since I moved the steamer. I could use my spare splitter box and a second cable, but that’s a bit messy and it has a cheap wall-wart power plug.


Fugazi! Great album.



Mmm a DR regulator and it’s replacement both fail due to Harry Shorters in a cable. What was the regulator overcurrent and thermal protection shutdown doing whilst this was going on?

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@Mike_S What a saga! I’ve just been catching up on your travails after your return from the Sunshine Coast. The whole thread is a tribute to the helpful naim community and the redoubtable Chris Murphy in Wellington. Hopefully he has a few good years in the business ahead of him.

I know with my tendency to perfectionism allied to poor technical knowledge, an unfortunate combination , it would caused me a huge amount of stress.
I had a near miss myself last night when I somehow contrived to get the Volume control on my new Linn Klimax DSM on to “100” for about 10 seconds. It maxed out my 250dr and Ovator400s and probably woke up half the street! Fortunately this morning everything sounds fine. I was dreading having to get my amp and speakers checked out, it would have been a PITA!
Your system looks great, and I am sure will now provide you with many well deserved years of listening bliss.You have shown great forbearance.


It’s a good question, to which I don’t know the answer.

A definite “snaic in the grass” situation.