No sound from 552 (shorted Snaic 5)

I’m home from holiday and can’t get any sound from the 552. The whole system was powered off and unplugged for 12 days. I’ve checked the source inputs and done a factory reset (power up holding the mute button) and are at the stage of being out of ideas. Can’t get sound from the LP12 or ND555 or the headphone amp, so assume the sources and NAP300 are okay.

Only change is the LP12 is now running a Lingo 4, powered from a different wall socket. No changes to any cabling and connections. I’ve checked other threads and tried the reset. Selected all inputs to no avail. It’s like it’s just stuck in mute - is that a thing?

Where to from here folks?

I cant help with anything other than a reset and checking connections to the 300. I notice you have a Nova. Can that either accept an input from the 552, or give an output to the 300, to check each of them is working?

Unless you have a spare pre or a spare amp I cant think of any other way to check. Internal fuse might have blown on start up?

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Stuck relay failure on the 552,maybe.

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It’s getting power okay though - green lights are all go.

It could take an input, but that is the same as using the headphone amp, and that’s not getting any sound.

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How can I check for that?

Mute button pressed with display off, so you might not spot it?

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I wish! I’ve done it before, so know to check for that.

Could be the Mute relay is stuck, as it’s affecting both channels? – but I’d persevere and re-boot/power-down and back up in the correct sequence i.e. power-amp last on, first off.

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Is there a hiss coming from the speakers or total silence? If total silence I suspect stuck mute relay. Happened in my SN3. I’ve been afraid using mute since but these days use mute every night thinking it’s good to exercise it.


I’ll power down overnight and see again in the morning.

Yes, total silence.

And of course, no certainty on a local repair…

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I wonder if a relay that gets stuck always is out of repair. What if one press mute on/off for a couple of minutes in order to maybe get it to release :man_shrugging: I suppose naim would suggest that if that could help though.

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Exercising will usually fix a sticky relay,I’ve heard.Never had the problem with my 552

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I’m sure you have, but check the DIN XLRs haven’t somehow got switched, as that equals no sound too.


Last time my system was silent, I unplugged and re-plugged everything, then the music was back.


I’ve actually got a stereo pair of Superlumina XLRs on my system…

Yes, its night now, so I’ll power off and unplug and restart in the morning and see how that goes.

Tried just now, without success. Will call the ex-Naim dealer tomorrow.

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Damn. Good luck!

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For everyone else that wonders there are 13 >> IIIIIIIIIIIII. :upside_down_face:

@Mike_S Curious. Are you normally using the mute button on your 552 and are you normally switching it off from time to time?


Sad to hear - that’s not how one would like to restart after 12 days absence. Good luck and keep us posted :+1:

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