No sound from 552 (shorted Snaic 5)

Hi Mike, Yes, you could do that.

It’s easy to get the bits and make up a new DIN4 to 2x XLR cable though, as if you were to ever sell the 300, the supplied DIN4 to XLR cables should go with it.

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Update is that the same DR regulator had failed again, which was traced back to a short in the SNAIC. Just pretty bad luck apparently.

Should be here in a few days.

Can I check which inputs to use? Input 2 (CD) for ND555, Input 6 (Aux) for LP12 and input 5 (AV) to output to the headphone amp?


So, is the DR regulator in the 552 PS? I wasn’t aware there are any DR regulators in the NAC552(?)

You do not want a short in your SNAIC… :snake:


It will be. As you say, there are no DR modules in the 552 head unit.

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Do i understand correctly - a bad cable (snaic with a short) caused all the trouble?


Yes, that’s corrrct.




Sometimes it takes time to find what’s wrong, a cable that crosses is not the easiest, kudos to the good and persistent support of your previous Naim dealer and your own patience!


When I read about Din’s and Burundi’s and Snacks… I’m SO happy my setup uses standard cables. XLR’s , USB, Ethernet. It seems as if Naim is stuck between the old and new.

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Respectfully , If you look into it you will find Naim cables are very reliable and very very effective for music replay in Naim systems. Very simple and not even close to confusing.


But a snaic is a standard cable - and in very rare cases it could also happen to a cable, even a naim one.
Naim cables are really reliable as already mentioned


You bought a quiet 552

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Do you know, was it a short in the cable or the DIN terminations (?), as one of the risks with DINs is that a stray fine strand/even a strand of solder can bridge the cable/pin terminations.

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It was a short in the cable, a few cms from the DIN plug. It’s rare, but happens unfortunately.


And…… we have :musical_score::musical_score::guitar::guitar::sunglasses::sunglasses:

Gosh, I’d forgotten just how good the 552 is. The window is right open.


Wonderful ! It was quick finally. You will enjoy still more now, after all this bothering.

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Great News

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Great news👍

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That’s excellent. Let’s hope it remains trouble free.

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