No sound from 552 (shorted Snaic 5)

Would that exclude the amp? Ordinarily, the amp will produce a quiet hissing from the speakers that you should be able to hear.

I hope you get it sorted @Mike_S !!

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Nup, still dead as a dodo and out of ideas now. Will try a few more power cycles.


What a bummer Mike, fingers crossed that the power cycles provide a miracle cure.

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Hmm, I can hear the thump on powering up the 300, but no hiss from the speakers. But there’s no sound from the headphone amp either, so I’m assuming the issue is with the 552.

I do use the mute buttons, as I use the headphone amp regularly. The system stays powered on usually, I only power off if away for more than 3 days.

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It’s the Preamp that hiss in a Naim system.


Have you remapped the inputs after restoring the defaults (if required)?



Hi Neil, John Vivian, my ex-Naim dealer here in New Zealand ran me through the factory reset and check of the inputs, but there is still no sound. He suspects a power-up failure of some kind and it will need to go “somewhere” for a repair. Somewhere is Chris Murphy (ex Naim distributer) as an option, otherwise the local hi-fi shop for a non-Naim repair. There doesn’t seem to be a formal Naim service agent in NZ anymore.

I wonder if the 552PS DR has dropped a supply rail? :thinking:



@Mike_S I’m sure you have tried this already but when I started my journey with Naim I’d run into this sort of issue over and over again.

It was always user error. I had often plugged something incorrectly or sometimes it was even just a matter of unplugging every cable and meticulously connecting it back again.

I’d suggest you do that first and foremost. It’s always worked for me.

Just today I wasn’t getting any sound when everything was plugged in and it turned out to be a coaxial cable that had to be disconnected and reconnected.

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Yes, I’ve given it a pretty thorough going over and my ex-Naim dealer went through it in detail with me. The 552 is now boxed up and ready for a courier pick up - it’s going to the ex-Naim distributer for a repair. There is no-one else in New Zealand who can be trusted with a 552 unfortunately.

A wider discussion about being invested in Naim at this level now in NZ can wait for another day. This is my second item needing a repair by the ex-Naim guys.


Good luck with the repair Mike, I hope you get it back fairly quickly so you can get back listening to music.

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Thanks. I’ve set up my Star in the music room and have the LP12 connected. The LP12 has just been upgraded and I brought in back yesterday and the 552 failed on power up. Wondering now whether to run the ND555 through the Star as well?

Its good that you have the capability to listen to your music until your 552 gets back, Im pleased that you have that to keep you going.

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Mike could you run your Star as a pre into the 300s to confirm it is your pre amp.

I had a similar problem a few weeks ago no sound, lucky after scaring heads annoying my dealer I’d discovered the power cord had loosened.

No, I don’t have a cable that will do that (single DIN to twin XLR). Anyway, its awaiting the courier and I’m left licking my wounds.

Bummer least you’ve got back up. My gear will be shut down for a month in September does make me a bit nervous. I’ve been shutting it down if I’m gone for more than 3 days and normally reboots quickly the only problem is the streamer takes awhile to sort its self out.

The problem is no real dealer support, thankfully Chris is there. He probably knows more than anyone some distributors would engage anyway. It’s in good hands.

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Yes, this is great. Though I do worry about when he winds down. Hopefully it’s an easy and inexpensive fix. If not, I’ll be reviewing the way forward.

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