No sound from 552 (shorted Snaic 5)

Fingers crossed.

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The upgraded LP12 through the Star sounds better than it ought to!


That’s a worry as it’s converts everything into numbers. :roll_eyes:

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Source first as always :sparkles:

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Just for fun, playing ND555 through the Star - Superlumina DIN using analogue input on the Star.


Good luck for a quick and good repair! All will be fine!


Beg to differ. Disconnect the preamp and you’ll still hear the faint hissing.

So you mean even if you mute the Nac 252 , the hiss is still there ?
I never had that problem .

Agreed. You can’t mute the Naim ‘hiss’.

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I don’t have a cable to check the 300DR of the Star or Nova. Regardless, there was no sound from either the speakers or the headphone amp, so the issue is with the 552. It’s now packed up and awaiting a courier on Monday to go to Wellington for a repair.

Now, what is really weird is how much better a Star is feed with a ND555 and LP12 as sources over the bare Star. Really, way better, and I’m wondering how much of that is due to the Uniti’s ladder volume control. I’m quite surprised really, it never occurred to me to try a Uniti with a much better source and use it as an integrated amp.


Agree it’s pre hissing. When in mute my system is as silent as being off.


Yes - you can mute the hiss!


The good thing is that the wait is now less problematic. You can still enjoy the music and burn in your lp12 upgrades.

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The ND555 and LP12 sound so good through the Star, I’ve now swapped it with the Nova. All very interesting……


Any news on what went wrong or when you’ll get it back?

It’s getting picked up to go to Wellington today. We are hoping it won’t be too long, but it will depend on what the issue is.

I just got of the phone with my dealer who wasn’t surprised that the ND555 and LP12 really lift the performance of the Nova/Star.

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You can get rid of any preamp hiss by muting, but not the poweramp output stage hiss.

I think something can be wrong with your Power amp then,it should be silent.

It’s fine. It’s quiet but not silent.

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Mike whatever you do don’t let the new importers go anyway near a repair. I have talked to their service agent and it was not pretty, in fact it was a complete train wreck.
Chris is one of the few people on the planet that knows what he’s doing when it comes to Naim/500 series. Rest assured he’ll get to the bottom of it. Just a complete crying shame the way that situation has panned out. :sob: Im sure his friends at Naim HQ feel the same.
Sorry to hear of your bad news. But looking forwards to a positive outcome :laughing: