Not "liking" legendary bands or artists

Yeah I’m still laughing and it’s late afternoon here. lol

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Maybe give “tonight’s the night” a spin

From their absence, I presume you have had a change of heart about the Eagles??

@Canaryfan – I forgot about them, they are pure musical evil.

And I also forgot about Stevie Nicks, pure musical evil too, but in chiffon form.

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Eagles - one good single - the one about “runnin’ down the road”…and they’re done.

Can I add bands like Boston, Foreigner, Kiss, Aerovomit, REO etc (Amerian AOR :yawning_face:) to the list? And Elton John.


Rush… the little I’ve heard does not inspire.


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Elton John, think we’re starting to allow personal preferences to rule common sense. You may not like his stuff but there’s absolutely no denying his body of work and influence especially in the 70s is disingenuous. I don’t particularly like Elvis but I can’t deny his place in the cultural landscape.

This whole thread is about personal preferences!

So…yeah, Elton sucks.



True, but I just thought I’d put the positive case forward. :wink:


I’d better not mention Rick Wakeman (nice guy maybe but Six Wives :nauseated_face:) or Jean Michel Jarringly boring then…

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You probably could, my only real memory of RW and his Henry album is lots of drugs and long nights. I can never actually think of a time where anyone listened to it while you were straight. But probably says more about me. :grin:


Maybe that’s where I failed…no puffywuffy when I heard either of em.
Thank god.


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That’s a good point there’s definitely some music that sounds good (or better) under certain conditions however great music sounds good no matter when and how it’s listened to.

DSOTM is a perfect example a stoners delight but equally enjoyed by everyone (well most).

Never having used any mind-altering substances, I can say that my love of the music I do like (I’m aware this is a no-like thread) is not is due to the music not drugs - other than other than the ubiquitous alcohol, that is.

And no amount of alcohol will get me to like jazz, soul, the majority of “pop”, crooners or rap, the vast majority of which is, in @TheKevster’s inimitable style, awful (though to me actually worse than awful).


I think one of the problems of dissing various people, like Jean Michel Jarre and Rick Wakeman is that while they may be boring or uninteresting now, at the time they were new and exciting.

To be fair RW Six Wives was a seminal album and along with the earlier Switched on Bach from Wendy Carlos really put the synth, particularly the Moog, on the musical map.

Not to me they weren’t. I was about ten when I first heard Wakeman and it was, and is, beyond my compression why anyone would be attracted to it. Weebling for the sake of weebling, There are mullions of great musicians on the planet but the only ones who interest me are the ones who can write songs and edit.

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I think we’re in danger of starting to defend stuff. Surely the exact opposite intent of this thread.


Give me Tonto (Zero Time and/or It’s About Time) anyday over Six Wives or indeed the tedious JMJ, far more revolutionary & interesting in terms of the Moog imho.

WC granted, tho I’ve not heard the complete Switched On…

Only just found this thread. Gives me great pleasure to admit that U2 are, to my ears, absolutely dreadful. There, that’s better.


I’ve the great advantage (possibly) that there is no single artist where I love everything they’ve done unless they only made the one album perhaps. So I can see the good and bad in everyone.

That said, I must add my voice to “despise The Eagles”.

The very worst of the 1970s. Really couldn’t give a damn how well they harmonise. A bit like CSNY and their ilk I always had a sense that the only reason they harmonised at all was because they all sounded equally nasal having burned holes in their noses.

Always thought that the advantage of both groups having so many utterly dislikable personalities was that at least you knew where to bomb if you needed to take some ***** out all at the same time.

I too feel better now :grinning:

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