NPX 300 issue

Bought the display unit which was never used as per the naim dealer (now discontinued), today while listening to the music the ndx2 went off and there was a weird faint noise from the speakers, first I thought there was an issue with NDX2 as NPX 300 is newer however to my surprise after connecting with the shorting plug NDX2 is working but the NPX 300 failed, I am very much disappointed as the dealer from whom it was bought is in another country and 800 kms away from where I stay. Appreciate if any one can share or have similar issues as mine.

You should be able to take it to any Naim dealer for rma/repair.


Maybe a reset is needed?

Pressing the button for about 3 seconds will cause the NPX 300 to do a factory reset.


Tried to reset a couple of times but no power on NDX2.

How long did it work for before going wrong? Have you got the correct Burndy lead to connect NC to Classic? Are the Burndy plugs inserted correctly and tightened up? Does the NPX logo light up? If not, have you checked its internal fuse? Sorry for so many silly questions, but hopefully it’s an easy fix.

It worked for two weeks flawlessly, got the compatible burndy cables from naim, yes the cables were connected properly and the led logo and standby led is lit up, I noticed one thing when the ndx2 is connected there is some noise from inside of the unit.

Are you able to describe the noise? Presumably it’s not the standard 50Hz transformer hum. Does the NPX make any noise when switched on but without the NDX2 connected?

It’s not the transformer hum it’s kind of high frequency noise only when the ndx2 connected otherwise it’s quiet.

It certainly doesn’t sound right. Maybe @NeilS knows what it is. I suspect you may need to get a replacement.


This is a problem for the Naim dealer who sold it to deal wit, no matter their location, I believe.

Or - as @robert_h says - any other Naim dealer.

You appear to have tried & checked the obvious, so now - please contact a Naim Dealer for further help.


Just to update on the issue, one of my friend brought his NPX 300 and we connected and found the same issue, at least I’m relieved that there is no issue with my NPX 300, even the ndx2 is working with the shorting plug with its own power supply. May be I think the issue is with the burndy cable, but is it possible that the cable fails after few days of use as I got this cable from UK only a couple of few weeks back. Is there a way to check the cable if there is any wire internal disconnected?

That cable must be a mess to solder and make reliable IMO.

Based on your results I’d make a claim on that cable. I’m sure it’s that one that is the problem.

Check that none of the gold pins in the Burndy connectors have been pushed back into the housing.
On the cable plugs & the NDX2 socket.


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There are no abnormalities on the cable pins or on the unit, is there any possibility of wire being disconnected on the cable itself, how can it be tested? However it is sure that there is an issue developed in the cable itself as I have tested with two different set of units.

Have a doubt @NeilS there are 11 pins on S XPS Burndy cable and only 10 pins on the legacy cable, is there a difference in the connection for the nc psu?

What’s the white stuff on the connector on the 300?? That doesn’t look right. Almost looks like moisture/fluid/alcohol that dried up.

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It’s the back of ndx2, in photo it’s looking weird but in real it’s plastic poorly finished.


It’s a bit strange though because you said It worked for two weeks flawlessly, so something has gone wrong somewhere.

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I checked on the cable build process instructions today - 10 pins is correct.
It’s perfectly feasible for the NDX2 to have developed a fault that only manifests itself when using an external power supply & work ok as a stand-alone with the link plug.



Could your friend bring his Burndy cable to try that would eliminate another possibility. :thinking: