OC 250DR Finally on its way

Guessing this is not a big deal to most on the forum but to me it seems like I have waited an age for this to finally happen.

I have built up a certain amount of expectation but trying to control my enthusiasm at the moment, I have read so many good reports on this power amp plus the many words of high praise it has received on this forum and a few reviews I have managed to track down recently.

Don’t get me wrong my 200dr has served me well but I always wanted to add the 250dr to my 282/Hicap dr to find that sweet spot that gets a lot of mentions on here.

What I’m hopeful will happen, better grip/drive for my PMC’s maybe a slightly more mature sound if that makes sense, always found the 200dr tended to get a little too enthusiastic at times only slightly, I’m hopeful that may have been due to its power/current delivery getting near it limit, I’m not totally sure but we will see.

All being well it is due to arrive on Friday, really hopeful that DPD will not let me down, fingers crossed .


We all live at different levels of the Naim experience and not a single one is less valid than another!

If the leap from 200DR to 250DR is as big as from the 200 to 250, you’re in for a treat :slight_smile: You’ll be grabbing all your old classics and spending copious amounts of hours until those dear to you will start worrying :wink:

Enjoy the ride :slight_smile:


When I made the move from 200 to 250DR I was disappointed. Having heard the 250 in various systems at my dealers and elsewhere I was expecting a significant improvement, but was very surprised to find that I just got a slightly weightier, but slightly sluggish sound, which caused me to move on to different amplification. Part of me wishes I had just stayed with the 282/200.

Hopefully you will have a more positive experience.


I didn’t have the same upgrade path but when I compared them I preferred the sn3 to 202/npsc/200dr but they were more similar than different and I found the 282/hcdr/250dr a major upgrade on the sn3. I definitely think your speakers will appreciate the increase in power.


Really hopeful that my experience doesn’t mirror your findings, perhaps speakers play
a difference to each person’s findings, we will see what happens when I put it in the system.

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Welcome to the Naim 250 Owners club… :slightly_smiling_face:

Member Since 1985.



Loved our 250DR, first with SuperUniti then 272/XPSDR.

I doubt you’ll be disappointed with the extra control it will have over your speakers.


You will love it - 250 is … a legend. And the 250dr will fit perfectly to 282.


As others have mentioned, I don’t think you will be disappointed! Enjoy. It’s a great combination you have there. :+1:


Enjoy. Also happy owner of 282/250DR with Hicap. Upgraded from SN3. There is a big downside though: prepare for getting much less sleep because of listening addiction and being much less effective at work. :slight_smile:


Just wanted to update my thread , 250dr has arrived safe and sound thankfully as my first glimpse of the box on its arrival wasn’t heart warming, one corner had been damage from being dropped but fortunately everything inside is fine.
Only had a short listening session so far but from first acquaintance I think we are going to be very happy.
The system seems grown up if that makes any sense, everything seems more effortless in the way it’s delivered.
I haven’t explored too much at the moment but very much looking forward to the journey, the 250dr and my PMC’s sound like they are a good match.
Really looking forward to exploring my music collection and spending more time with the new addition.
Thank you for all your comments makes the journey even more enjoyable.


Whew…! Fortunately… Naim have been using bigger boxes for there units than they used to. So the changes of surviving being dropped are greater… :expressionless:

I am sure you will enjoy your 250.


The delivery driver even placed it inside the hall saying “it’s really heavy I’ll put it inside for you” bless him, there are some advantages to looking old😉.
Guessing someone picked it up not expecting it to be so heavy and dropped it on its corner but thankfully all is well.

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Warning !! This Box Is Heavier Than It Looks…!!

I remember collecting my ‘spare’ NAP140 from a local Post Office and the man serving me couldn’t believe how heavy that was…!! Just a 140… :smiley:

I have a number of older and newer units. So my NAP250’s box is much smaller that my XPS’s box - despite the units being the same size. So now, the units are better protected, which is good.


I know this so well! :smirk:

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These boxes are designed to secure the insides even from falling a bit out oh height.

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The 250 Olive box is also much smaller than the newer ones.

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That is my point exactly…

My 250 box is from the CB era, but is the same size a my Olive 82.

But my CDX2 and XPS boxes are the bigger, current, modern size.

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One thing I immediately noticed was the volume position on my 282 was slightly higher than normal to get to my usual listening level not hugely different maybe 8:30-9 o clock but just slightly.

Really looking forward to a proper session but my hours are booked out over the weekend so looks like it will have to be in the week.

Happy that it’s here, in and working nicely.
I also took the opportunity to move my snaps further away from the main rack while rearranging the wiring, just so many cables but comes with the territory I guess.


When my olive 250 returned from Salisbury one corner of the box was dented. And was was the corresponding corner of my once mint 250. Not happy.