Olive 250 transistors

He’s very fussy now and should have asked if he is that way inclined but it’s a split hair situation as the only reason he’s moaning is he can see a difference.
If it had been repaired properly then I suppose all would be cool.
I wouldn’t be happy but then again I don’t buy second hand and if anyone does then proof of history or forget it.
Looks like more than one person has been had.

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The trouble with eBay is that protections are all buyer oriented. Yes it is totally right that buyers are protected from unscrupulous sellers, but there is virtually no protection the other way round. I found that out to my cost when a buyer (of a Naim product) claimed case damage that absolutely was not there when packaged - extremely well packaged - and offered no photos. After a few exchanges, where he was seeking a partial refund, I was left in no doubt that if I hadn’t gone along and instead got eBay to arrange return, not only would I have lost the shipping cost but it would arrive ba k with big scratches.

If the buyer’s gripe is with transistor numbers, if you can get something in writing from Naim you might be lucky and that end it. I wish you luck with it. I probably don’t need to say, but whatever you do, only exchange correspondence within eBay so all on their record.


I have to say that eBay are quite helpful for both parties these days IME.


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