Opinion please Nait v Nait

@Maury_Finkle i wonder if he is better off delaying the TT? If it were me I would do the Nait 50 and the better streamer snd postpone the other sources. If streaming is less important than a TT, I would focus on the best integrated and TT and leave the streamer for later. Designing a system with multiple sources, where each has limitations or poorer SQ, may lead to listening frustration. This assumes that the Nait 50 limited inputs and outputs and lack of remote will be ok.

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the turntable is not the issue. the sub 4k budget is.

You canā€™t have a 50 and ND5XS2 for that money.

this forum is awesome at saying ā€˜hey, source first - a BS Node is an inferior streamer, what your really need is a current gen Naim front endā€™ when that streamer costs almost FOUR TIMES what a BS does

if the OP can go above his original budget, sure. if not. not.

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TT is for later. For now Iā€™m concentrating on streaming and want the best I can afford. Iā€™m currently in negotiation with the wife to increase my budget to Ā£5000 . I want the Nait 50 as the heart of the system and build from there. Iā€™m no audiophile but appreciate great sound.

I canā€™t answer your question sonically but if you want a Nait 50 now is the moment. The rest can come later.




Iā€™m actually thinking of grabbing one now. I can get a open box one for Ā£1850


that makes a lot of sense - grab it

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Grab it.

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Grab it. Assuming it comes with a warranty.


Full I assume. Open box not used

Nd5 xs2 on the bay now at 1600 pounds.

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That was the question still up in the air, is this your starting point or your end point?

If you want to start building a system around the Nait 50 and take it from there (even starting with a Node temporarily if necessary) then by all means grab one now as others have indicated already.

We will be there for you along the route that then follows :slight_smile:

ps: perhaps one of my personal guidelines is of help, budget at least 1/3 more for the source than for the amp (based on list prices) for a satisfying end result in a Naim system.

Thank you so much thatā€™s very kind. Itā€™s an end point for the foreseeable

I differ from some on this thread, definitely NOT source firstā€¦ itā€™s a bygone tradition from the old style hifi.
Focus on speakers firstā€¦ assuming you have some and they match your listening room, then get the amp to matchā€¦
The Nait50 is a top class integrated, but you need top class speakers to appreciate it, otherwise you are possibly throwing money away unless you want a collectors piece.
If not a used Nait XS2 or similarā€¦ that works well across a range of more modest speakers.
Then focus on the source. Streamers have largely matured nowā€¦ with the first streamers appearing in the late 90sā€¦
So I would say get the best you can afford. Possibly consider a digital streamer feeding a DAC would be good too.


Thanks Simon. I fancy a Nait 50 as the size appeals to me and itā€™s a wife friendly option. I intend to build around the Nait so am looking to start there. Iā€™m thinking Sonus Faber Lumina II as a starting point. Iā€™m afraid if I donā€™t act quickly on the Nait Iā€™ll miss out so am throwing it all around by head at the moment.

@Akh666 Have you listened to the SF speakers? Some here like the brand. Others on here are underwhelmed.

I think we all dove in to the pool without checking the depth first. Just trying to answer the question of 50 vs 5si / front end is probably the wrong way round. Simon , Jaybar, and DC have hit some of the important questions - upgradeable vs end state / speaker choice / input options. But thereā€™s probably more to ask as this is starting to sound like a ā€˜whatā€™s the best system I can build for 5kā€™ question.

And the answer to that depends on a heck of a lot of inputs. In my limited experience, you can do a lot of sonic damage for that amount of money. It builds a system that will make you smile, do some toe tapping, and keep the wife happy. You can also set yourself up for an interesting hobby, mixing and matching over the years.

I think the key thing here is that you really canā€™t go wrong with these options youā€™re playing around with. An XS3 or a Nait 50 is going to deliver a fantastic listening experience - form factor, upgrade options are key differentiators here.

Sure they will have sonic characteristics that differ, but through a pair of 1k speakers like the SF Luminas youā€™re consideringā€¦Iā€™m not sure how much that will differ. Youā€™re pushing lots of amp through a small speaker.

I differ from Simonā€™s opinion in that I donā€™t think youā€™d be throwing your money away with a 50 through those speakers - I think youā€™ll eventually upgrade those to something that can truly take advantage of that amp. Better to have the ā€˜reverse mulletā€™ instead of the 10k speakers being driven by a 3k ampā€¦

Closing on 2 points - (1) think you need to take a holistic view of what you want to achieve in the conext of the budget available and (2) if the Nait 50 is that attractive at that price and you like it - go for it. You can always move it on and remain whole.

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I have arranged a demo for the up coming week along with some others. Iā€™m looking also at dynaudio, PMC and ATC. My main push at the minute is to decide where my journey is to start again. I used to have a Meridian/unison research/dynaudio set up so am rediscovering my love of music. For some reason the Nait 50 keeps drawing me in.

Iā€™ve been in this rabbit hole for a couple of weeks now and have gone from Atom, Star, Nova, Atom HE (again) Nait 50ā€¦ā€¦.Iā€™m just getting more and more confused so just needed some wise advice from the experts on here. I love how subjective the whole Hi-Fi genre is. Thanks again for the reply.

@Akh666 All we can do is offer opinions. We all have opinions but it is up to you.

The first step is to pin down in more detail, your priority. I donā€™t see Atom HE as being viable if you are super serious about a TT, since the analog output gets digitally manipulated in some way, as I understand it. Others have not seen this as a major issue. The streamer in the atom HE is great, but my dealer strongly believes the streaming of the ND5XS2 is better. If you ever plan to use headphones then the HE is something to consider.

You need to broaden your possible speakers based on an audition. The Nait 50 and the XS3 are safe bets but have different sonic signatures. Also you need to make sure the 50 can drive the speakers you choose.

You need to build a relationship with a dealer so you can audition speakers. We can only take you so far before we are going in circles.


Well if you fancy it, Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™ll be delighted with it. Just remember itā€™s old school with no remoteā€¦ which probably adds to its performance. The Nait 50 is also a high peak current amp, so can drive quite power hungry speakers dynamically, just not very loud in very large rooms, but when working harder it does get quite warm, so I have found best not put a rack level above it.

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