Opinion please Nait v Nait

@Simon-in-Suffolk He needs to decide how many sources he will finally end up with. The 50 only accommodates phono, streaming and aux. he can use Aux for either a CDP or a headphone amp but not both.

Oops. I take that back. The 50 seems to include a headphone amp.

Yep the Nait50 only has two line level source inputs and a MM input.
Indeed the Nait50 has an inbuilt headphone amp.

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If it helps I run a XS3, bought new for Ā£2300. It feeds Neat SX3s bought used for Ā£750. I run a Primare NP5 streamer (used, Ā£350) into a Chord Hugo MK1 (used, Ā£450). Sounds excellent, and I preferred that setup from a sound quality perspective to a ND5 XS2 when demoed in the same system. The user interface/usability of the ND5 XS2 was better than my Primare/Chord system though.

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Sounds a very good setup. Yes the Hugo mk1 is an awesome DAC that still hits above its weight all these years later. I still use mine. Yes every 4 years or so (if you use all the time) you need to replace and re solder its internal batteries, but only takes 15 mins to do. Yep the Hugo mk1 on the output of a digital output streamer such as the ND5XS2 will put the source arguably at ND555 level subject to taste.


Or consider the Naim DAC. I have one as well as a Hugo Mk1. I use the Naim DAC in preference to the Hugo though. The Hugo can sound very good, but in a more cerebral way - if I only listened mostly to classical music I might well prefer it to the Naim. However, the Naim is more fun. Also much easier to use than the Hugo, which can be infuriating with its tiny switches.


Yepā€¦ I am trying to find out how to search the old forumsā€¦ I wrote quite a bit about exactly this comparing Naim DAC/555PS with Hugo1.
The former was more punchy and great with rock, the latter allowed you to listen into the recordings more and appreciate the subtle timbres and production techniquesā€¦ what I called the Mandelbrot effect. If I work out how Iā€™ll post the link from the old forumā€¦ the search function on the old forum only works on thread titlesā€¦ so I am not finding it.

In short the NaimDAC/555PS won out on bass weight and rhythmic drive, the Hugo on everything elseā€¦ I will carry on looking as I compared using various tracks/recordings.

BTW in a portable system, the Hugo power button can be fiddly, but in a permanent one you donā€™t touch, you just tap a push button to cycle through the colour coded inputsā€¦ straightforward and non fiddly, but yes no remote.


I think Iā€™ve made it clear in my responses that I am looking at streaming first with a view to maybe adding a TT at a later date. My initial question was regarding the best value between a lesser streamer and the Nait 50 or the Naim streamer and the Nait 5si. As far as headphones are concerned my interest in the N50 was piqued based on its headphone stage. I no longer own an HE so thatā€™s not even part of the equation any more even though itā€™s been in my thoughts as a pairing for the 50. I am after a simple, high performance, minimal system that falls in my budget and Iā€™m just looking for guidance from the experts on here so I can narrow down my demo requirements. Thanks for your reply though I appreciate it.

Thatā€™s sounds like a great idea how would you describe the sound? I am a music detail freak but not overly analytical and cold sounding. I like to feel like Iā€™m listening to an intimate acoustic set and the venue has the heating on, If that makes sense.

Thanks. I am a fan of detail but with warmth. I listen to a lot of City and Colour, Tyler Childers, Chris Stapleton etc and a lot are live recordings. I like to hear guitar strings and the artists varying distancing from the mic in live sets. Iā€™m also not adverse to a bit of thrash metal and trance.

Iā€™ve had this very same combo for a while, have no idea why I sold it, itā€™s great for the money. Iā€™m one of ND5 XS2ā€™s greatest fans even though I have noneā€¦


So Iā€™m hearing a lot about the BS Node x is no match for the N50 but exactly what is the difference between a premium streamer and a lesser one? I am trying to better understand the tech involved. Are we saying that an Atom streamer is on par with the BS? Iā€™m guessing if we were to break an Atom down into its individual parts then the streaming element would be on par with the BS, cost and quality wise, surely? So if this is the case why is the Atom so revered and the BS is not? If we take away build quality, build materials, manufacturer reputation, country of build, brand loyalty and availability what exactly is the real world difference between the cheaper and the premium and why is one not fit to feed a Nait 50 and another is? Sorry for the waffle.

For under Ā£2500, Tom Tom audio can supply nd5xs / 202 / 200. Add a napsc for Ā£200. Probably better than the other options listed.

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Itā€™s the attention to detail with the power supplies dac etc that makes the difference. Not everyone using a TI dac chip or a streamunlimited board can eek out the maximum performance from it.

My choice of streamer is based on having Amazon HD available and so initially went with the Node. I added a better dac, the Qutest and that made a very good combination. The Node dac is not up to the standard of most Naim HiFi systems. In your position I would do the same again. However there are more streamers on the market now and there may be better streamers than the node available. Also if you donā€™t want Amazon HD then a Naim streamer/dac would be the obvious match to the Nait.

On the general question, there are two ways of answering, first answer the question you asked, the second is to suggest your new hifi system from our own experiences. Hopefully I answered the question you originally asked. If I was to take the second approach Iā€™d agree with empty room, choose speakers first, then amp to drive those speakers, and then source. I may be alone on that approach though on here. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you but where are the differences and why is one better, subjectively and by general consensus, than the other. Iā€™m assuming both parties fine tune their equipment?

Thereā€™s fine tuning, and then thereā€™s Naim level tuning, discovering that the location of cable ties makes a difference.

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Lenbrook and their associated companies are no slouches when it comes to audio engineering I would imagine, MQA being one of those companies.

Itā€™s difficult! But as Simon in Suffolk says, thereā€™s a lot to listen into with the Chord.

I liked the ND5 XS2, even more when the dealer used a Superlumina DIN cable (which is then a 4k streamer!), but couldnā€™t give up the detail that the Hugo retrieved. Neither sound cold or analytical IMO.

The sound stage capabilities of both are certainly different too. I think I preferred the Naim in that department.

I wouldnā€™t underestimate usability either. I do switch my Hugo off when not listening, surfing the battery between full enough and not quite run out, in an attempt to optimise battery life, but it takes a few seconds to set things up to listen. Iā€™ve almost bought a ND5 XS2 just on UX grounds before now! The Hugo does have infuriating little switches X)

Lastly, none of the suggestions will sound broken, and itā€™s unlikely away from a demo between competing solutions that youā€™ll feel short changed IMO. I will say that buying that Hugo made more difference to SQ in my system than upgrading my old NAIT3 to my current XS3. In my experience the source improvements made more difference than amplifier improvements.

Iā€™m very happy with my system now. To the point Iā€™m unsure if I want to do anything more with it. I think it would take a large injection of cash I cannot currently afford to significantly better it. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of hearing a full 300 system, it was fabulous. On returning home my system sounded great too though. I donā€™t feel unhappy about the situation 8)

Hope all that makes sense?


Indeed, though I guess it depends what is meant by ā€˜sound stageā€™. I use it to define stereo imaging and positioning, and there I found the little Hugo goodā€¦ it wasnā€™t pin sharp, but certainly good enough to time really well and give reasonably good positioning and perception of some depth.

I guess my sonic criticism of the Hugo is also is strength, itā€™s smoothly curtailed in the frequency extremes in deep bass and very high end trebleā€¦ it usually sounds smooth and a little soft in the extremes and as a consequence tends to be room acoustic and speaker / headphone friendly as well as production friendlyā€¦ ie poor recordings donā€™t tend to trip it up.
I loved the Hugo1 best when driving a NAC 252DR and 552DRā€¦ but I keep it now for headphones, and an alternate DAC to use when mastering in my studio.

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It makes perfect sense thank you. Iā€™m at the very start of my journey back into audio and appreciate your guidance.

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