Opinion please Nait v Nait

Well spotted by @robert_h in Bristol, indeed @Simon-in-Suffolk the Russel-K website now says “enter the RED 50Se – a new tweeter, improved cross-over, new integrated plinth.” If they are now £4k then for me out of budget, they used to be rather affordable once (less than half that) here.

Go with a Nait5si and skip the streamer… get the CD5si and $2k worth of CDs :smiley:


Good advice. Therefore miss Unity 2. Was great product for its level.

Makes me think RK Red 50 were splendid performing in my upstairs smaller room, should probably have kept them.
But the new prices is over the top, no matter what improvements they represent.


I do tend to agree.

If you are interested….There is a First listening impression about K50se speakers on the Bristol Show thread(Click here).

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