Opinion please Nait v Nait

Sure, though I don’t have 10k speakers. But to get the best from the Nait50 these are considerations.
Clearly the Nait50 will work with what you have… but you might not appreciate its incredible prowess with lesser components… but sure you can enjoy it absolutely none the less with what you have… its just there may be better suited amps with remotes etc,
I guess what I get the message across that just because it’s a Nait… don’t assume it’s not high end… as it clearly is. So perhaps consider the sorts of sources you would use with a 552DR front end with what you use with the Nait50.

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Thanks Simon I do appreciate your honest and thoughtful replies. I find this whole Hi-Fi game a bit confusing at times and it’s a minefield of info. Just out of interest what speakers do you use please?

Oh it is… but remember 90% of it is opinion, perception and group thinks… you probably notice I enjoy challenging flawed in my opinion pre conceptions and theories.
But in the end only you can decide. Find a dealer who will let you borrow before you buy… and let yourself decide… you don’t even have to agree with your dealer as your tastes will likely differ from theirs too… but it makes interesting discussions and engagements.


It was meant as a generel term, not my personal wish.

I am thinking replacement for Nait 5Si and XS, logically this will be a 100 range but I may be wrong.

A new Nait for the average customer base need to have remote and more than 25W on paper.

Believe there is a lot of information in various threads if read, but ask here: is Nait 50 really better than Nait 5si? and how compare to XS3?

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Well its bit like saying is the Nait5si better than the NAC 552. Only you can decide.
But to me I prefer the resolution and musical insight from the Nait50 over my previous 552DR setup.

I have not heard a Nait5si so can comment - but I had a NaitXS2 for a while. Lovely amp - but to my ears not in the same league at all in terms of presence, timbral accuracy, voice accuracy and sweetness, sound stage and timing as the Nait50 - but it did have a remote…


Hello again Simon, which speakers do you use please?

There’s now a Russell k 50 “se” announced at Bristol and on demo there, over £4K.

interesting - wonder what is in it - apart from perhaps a cosmetic change… bets on a remote?
Mind you I thought the Nait50 was a Special Edition LOL

It’s the Russell k 50 speakers Simon, sorry … now with an se version to match the other se models.

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ahhh yes - I heard about those - apparently upgraded hf driver… possibly other things as well. I can hear a few limitations of my current RK RED50 but it doesn’t get in the way of the musical enjoyment… but I’d be surprised if an upgraded HF driver would address that - but it would be interesting to compare.

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They were sounding very good, though I’m sure the originals do too. I’d love a better pair of small stand mounts on my nait 50 but can’t warrant the £ right now. Id probably look at proacs with a ribbon tweeter; something about them that works for me.

yeah the beauty of those RKs is the timing and lack of smearing and cross over smearing. Audio just seems to to step forward realistically into your room and for the first time in a long long time I can genuinely enjoy sound stage now. Very very different from my previous ATCs. The regular RK 50 are half that price and even less used - if you can find them used - so might be worth a punt. Need to be mindful of supports … I have found the SS60 stands partially filled delightful to use with those speakers.


Simon, I can feel your enthusiasm for the little Nait. I did not have the chance to hear it but if I trust my own findings, I think that most of the time even with small loudspeakers, more power is always better.

Just like driving a V8 on a twisty hilly back road, you just feel in a relaxing way that the power is there… High peaks and crescendos do not hurt, not even in a subliminal way so you could listen to the music for hours.

I think it’s just a matter of time before Naim revealed a much more powerful Nait.

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But I am not sure it is… there is also argument that lower power amps can be beneficial in terms of SQ, but clearly no point having an under powered amp for your speakers or listening environment.
I note the PAS 3 S one of the world top end semiconductor power amps is 23 W into 8 ohms, and is still the same basic architecture as from the late 90s.

But sure cheaper amps probably have a lesser ratio from mean to peak power so benefit from having a higher mean power output… but may suffer more compression at higher levels.



A power edition a’la Nova PE, wouldn’t surprice me if upcoming Naim. amps will be based on Class D modules.
The average customer take notice of specs, Watt is important for many non audioholics.

I concur, the stated power output can be irrelevant. IMO, the quality and the capacity of the power supply is all that counts. For the record, I once had a 25W Classé DR3B that appeared way more powerful than the NAP250 when used with Kef 105.4s.

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Oh yes it’s all about watts

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A friend had this, it was exceptional, much better than their later stuff.

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Having heard all the slimline amps integrated and separates at some point (so 10 or more of them?) I was very disappointed with the XS2. The difference with the XS3 is regularly downplayed, but for me significant. The XS, XS2, XS3 to me sound very different and they also look different on the inside.

Back on topic, the Nait XS3 for me is most enjoyable of all the slimline amps (including both the 5-series ánd 3-series), so you might want to demo that one time against the Nait 50. I did, and the Nait 50 is indeed a truly wonderful new amp, shockingly so in fact. However, I ended up preferring the sound of the Nait XS3 in my system and in my room after we parted with the CB Nait 2.