Optimal Statement setup?

Too bad the statement volume knob doesn’t rotate by remote operation as it does with the 552, so I could turn the glass too :wink: :scream:

I’, guessing that was not your first brew of the evening… :beer:

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Prost Charlie :+1:t3:

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DO NOT ENCOURAGE HIM! You guys are nuts. :upside_down_face:


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: cheers :clinking_glasses: Peter
Enjoy the evening with your queen and a good glass of wine. Same here with some scotch :wink:

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I think I read somewhere that part of the statement design was installing the transformer in each cabinet on its side, so that emf from it would emanate sideways rather than vertically.

If so, would placing one next to sensitive head units be wise?

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Excellent point! Hmm…

I guess you could dig down to some Manhattan bedrock and sit it down there!

Ha! Unfortunately, I live on Long Island’s south shore. The only thing I’d find is sand and sea water.

You guys are nuts. :upside_down_face:
Oh absolutely, all us looneys stuck up here :joy:

Just got an update: Statement should be arriving early next week…supposedly.

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Hi znai, for that very reason I’ve actually spaced it out a bit :+1:t3: ATB Peter


Where is the faraday cage? Sacrilege!!

Truly exciting news :+1::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiley:
Mine arrived almost a year ago on my exact birthday … enjoy . It’s just great

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I remember noticing that in your photo

Thank you!

I just opened a bottle of Glenburgie 21 from Gordon MacPhail in anticipatory celebration!


A thought. Which admittedly would necessitate a lot of changes in racks etc. But hey a thought’s a thought.

Statement transformers are mounted to fire emf sideways not upwards. They are installed low down. So what if, instead of racking the classic series boxes from the floor, you racked them from a higher point.

You could, for example, build a robust shelf that the fraims are placed on top of. That shelf would be level with the Statement’s white light. You could store records underneath it.

Then you get record storage and the sensitive equipment out of the way of the Statement transformers.

Something like this:

Cheers, Ian


Hey Ian,

I really appreciate all the thought and effort you put into your suggestion. First of all, you lost me with the glass on the preamp. LOL
Seriously, this layout would not work for me for several reasons:

  1. Behind the rig is the main picture window for the living room. This would block just about all of it.
  2. I have 4 or 5 Fraim shelves on each side of the Statement, making it too tall to put a record on, etc.
  3. IC’s would not reach the bottom of the preamp
  4. The support shelves would undercut the efficiency of the Fraim system unless they were super rigid.
  5. The glass on the preamp!

Haha you are welcome. It was only really half serious.

It would be great fun to be in your shoes, playing around until you find what is optimal. I imagine it might take some months, which will be part of the excitement of having such a level of equipment.

I am sure you will figure out a model that strikes the right balance and sounds great.

Regards, Ian