Ordering wait time

I would like to make a question for the members that work for Naim (Mr.Richard,Mrs Claire), in case you can help me:
I ordered a HiCap DR on the 26th of November 2021 from the Greek dealer located in Athens.
On Wednesday 13th of April they called me telling me that the hicap has arrived & that they would send it to me.
Days passed & i called them back today.
They told me that they informed me incorrectly & instead of hicap’s, they received hi-line’s & super cap’s.
So after 4,5 months of waiting i have to wait more for an item i have already fully prepaid.
I would appreciate if someone can confirm that they in fact didn’t received the Hicap DR.
Thank you in advance Vaggelis.

Unfortunately no-one here has any way to know what was delivered to any particular dealer and Naim employees mostly don’t follow the forum anyway. You will have to ask your dealer to check again. Good luck.

Vaggelis, the only people who will know the answer here are your dealer and distributor.

I got a call from my dealer earlier today,informing me that finally the HiCap has arrived today!!!
So i hope, i will have it next week.


My NAC552 ordered in November had an initial March estimate, slipped to March/April and is now May. I’m trying to stay phlegmatic about it, in the circumstances, although as time passes and the date keeps slipping, the lack of any information about what’s happening gets to be more frustrating. Having said that, I appreciate that if Naim spent their day giving updates on the parts they were missing to complete my preamp, there’d probably be less time available to actually build it.

Hang in there. 6 month wait for my 300 but, boy, was it worth it!



Thanks @GraemeH, by that measure I’m nearly there! Glad you’re enjoying your NAP300. Good things come to those who wait, my mum says. I’m waiting.

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Still no NDX2 but apparently it’s arriving at the dealer this week . Dealer said that Naim are now working at ‘full pelt’ building the streamers following various supply issues with parts. Will hopefully have it in my system shortly.

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No sign of your ND5, yet Stilts? We’re heading for 12 months. I’ve started having nightmares that an XS3 comes out before my XS2 turns up.

My ND 555 ordered late November, and originally estimated to be dispatched at the end of January, just arrived today. Better right than right away.




Nope, not even a hint of a delivery time. To be honest, while I haven’t yet cancelled my order, it’s increasingly likely that I will: having bought an M Scaler/Qutest combo to improve the performance of my CXN V1, I find the sound is so good from them that, really, all I need is a streaming transport - thus half the ND5 is irrelevant. Waiting to trial the new Lumin U2 Mini (once my dealer gets one) against an Auralic Aries G1 which should do the trick. Also waiting to see what Munich High-End might bring in a couple of week’s time…

Mine too, also ordered in November. Unfortunately the distributor messed up the delivery, sent it to the wrong dealer and separated the ND from its PS. By the time both had arrived, I had departed for a month away from home so unable to collect !

Gosh! All this talk of 500 series components finally arriving at dealers is making me excited. My November ordered 552 is still outstanding alas! I even started looking at other preamps online. Of course no guarantee any of those would be available either. Trying not to be impatient and reasonable, but it’s getting harder each week now. I know they say that no news is good news, but in this case it’s also quite frustrating, especially as my dealer gets nothing out of Naim beyond a month, he original month mentioned by Naim being March and it just keeps getting pushed back without any further explanation. Anyway, with his last message that it would be delayed beyond its anticipated April delivery, my dealer said he’d do all he can to make sure it’s with him by early May, but so far no word.

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Same here 2 x Nap 500s ordered last October were delivered on Wednesday 4th May :grinning:


Bet those S800 will love a couple more 500s up 'em!

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Hopefully you receive good news soon. I also found the lack of information extremely frustrating and told my dealer I was ready to cancel my order for ND555 & PS. He was apologetic but couldn’t give me any information because he couldn’t get any from Naim. It arrived very shortly after but since others seem to be receiving equipment too, I think that was coincidence rather than due to my feedback.

The actual delivery to my dealer was messed up by the distributor, resulting in a situation which cost me an additional €50 for nothing, but that is another story…

I have a very simple query in to Naim support which has gone unanswered after reminders and 4 weeks. The last question took 3 reminders and 5 weeks to answer. It doesn’t fill me with confidence that Naim are capable of an adequate response if anything ever goes wrong…


Anyone know if there’s any delays on Powerlines before I pester the dealer?


I got one to try instantly a few months ago, so no issue then, not sure now though @Steeve

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Thanks @Elfer, interesting and your dealer experience mirrors mine, slightly embarrassed and very apologetic. I definitely got the feeling that he felt that Naim aren’t doing themselves many favours at the moment, although he understands it’s a difficult situation for Naim.
I will consider a cancellation, although I’m slightly worried my dealer gets lumbered with the problem and that seems a little unfair bearing in mind that it’s Naim that have not delivered on the timescales they set. I’m quite taken with a Nagra Classic preamp. But I haven’t enquired about delivery.

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