Out of interest, how many albums do you have on your hard drive

Probably around 500 albums plus some EPs and single tracks. I also have a similar number of LPs, EPs and a fair few 12" singles. So around 1100 to 1200 or so I would guess.

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That is some album count :hot_face:
I was to lazy to count mine so snapped the asset on the NAS.

I have another DAS with my MP3 Blues collection on but I am thinking - I really do need to get out more!

Of which just over 70% are HiRes in 24-bit/DSD. The majority of the remaining are Redbook CD rips (16/44.1) and only a few in a lossy format (AAC, MP3)


Thats an amazing coincidence. Yes 2 seriously modified servers. I introduced Sean Jacobs to Nuno and for 6 years I was his Guinea pig (bad expression and could be misunderstood) for power supply upgrades etc.


Nice one Bert.

I have 15,296.


Solely streaming online relies upon availability of the music you like, now and in perpetuity, dependent upon supplier catalogues, business models, future stability, licensing changes, etc, as well as internet reliability. Αll in all not something I would care to rely on for my favourite music! A NAS probably doesn’t need any attention for at least a decade. Possibly a lot longer (I’ve had my present store-renderer in constant use for about 9 years now without any need for attention).

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How many To?

Around 200. A very small number compared to most. I’ve no great interest in discovering lots of new music since I like to listen to my favourites over and over and I’ve more than enough here to keep me occupied. Having said that I recently got completely hooked on XTC, a comparatively recent discovery although I was always aware of their popular tracks. Had to buy all their albums and some of the remixed/remasterd ones were expensive.

It’s mainly fairly obscure rock stuff, like The Comsat Angels. The Passage, The American Analog Set etc. plus some Bee Gees, Beatles, Burt Bacharach, Ella Fitzgerald, Kim Wilde and a collection of film scores by the likes of Jerry Goldsmith, Ennio Morricone and Pino Donaggio. Plenty to keep me going.


….and it has it’s own challenges. I have two Melco servers with each 10TB capacity (special versions), but they are both now at 98%……, so stress on how I go further from here….


There’s the Melco E100 hd drive, to increase the storage. But it’s 3 To. I guess you will fulfill it in some months. :grin:

Roon says I have 1868 albums.

And despite that, I mostly listen via Qobuz these days . . . because I want Qobuz so I don’t have to “buy” new digital music any more.

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  1. I got rid of my hard drive which had around 800 records. Only streaming from Qobuz and listening to radios either through internet or my MD 107-T.

I feel free.

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You were very critical when you wrote about Charlie Henderson. Do you no longer have Naim products and do you not want to buy them.

1978 albums



678 albums on my Roon.

Wow - and how do you do your backup. With this amount of data you need tonnage a serious backup.

I have a modest 600+ cd’s ripped to my Core which was the total of my cd collection. My vinyl collection is different, older (jazz largely) and still played.

Just simple have four big HDD drives so have a full backup there. And a hifi friend also has a copy, so even protected against fire.