Out of interest, how many albums do you have on your hard drive

Just broken 2700.


My player reports 5955 (these would include the different remasters I have of the same album). I have 2 backup drives, one stored at different address.

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3455 albums

2,178. When I changed from Innuos to Hifi Rose I trimmed it down a little and left off albums I’m never likely to play

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I have a main 2-bay NAS with a 10TB RAID1 volume, which does nightly backups to a 8TB & 2TB RAID1 volumes on separate 2-bay NAS units, so no shared chassis components (power, processor, memory, network).
If the main NAS failed, these are my resilient backup.

I then have a USB enclosure with a 12TB volume (RAID0) for monthly backups. Then two 6TB discs (a 8TB RAID0 volume) as grandfather backup. These are in fireproof cases. These were offsite, when we had an office.

As some point I will to upgrade to 12TB or 14TB drives in the main volume, the current 10TB drives will then go into the primary backup NAS, and the 8TB drives will go to make a new 16TB volume in a new enclosure and the current grandfather backup replaced.

Bit of work to maintain, but prevents major data loss, without expensive cloud solutions.

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1456 on my Synology NAS on a WD 1TB Red, starting to get full now, and no backup just my cd collection :roll_eyes:

  1. About half of them were CDs that I’ve ripped, but I’ve been almost completely (downloaded) digital for a few years now.

I’ve seen (and encountered) enough hard drive failures that I’ve got a healthy paranoia, so run RAID on my NAS, a nightly synchronisation to my secondary NAS (I’m a different floor at home), a nightly synchronisation/backup to a cloud backup server, and 6 monthly backups to USB.

1,622 in Uniti Core’s hard drive, and around >200 LPs,…… and counting, tho’ getting much slower lately.

Interesting the frequency of backups by some people, and some of it might put off those new to streaming from tgeir own store. As I normally add only a few albums a year, I back up annually, one to a NAS in the house (not used for playing music), and the other to a USB hard drive kept elsewhere. During the year any new CDs exist as the CD after ripping, while downloads have the original downloaded copy sitting on the downloading computer. Very simple and minimal effort. If I went mad and bought a lot in one year I might back up earlier.

I do buy quite a lot of music during any given year. Bandcamp Fridays often see 10-20 new albums being downloaded.

I’m using the Synolpgy C2 service for backup - it’s very easy with my NAS, and gives me piece of mind. Plus, I could re-rip all my music in the event of catastrophic failure, but I would rather not have to.

I’m at the point now that if we had a fire and I lost all my CDs, I would be sad, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world so long as I could restore everything and be listening again as soon as I had set up a replacement NAS.

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39 :crazy_face:

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787 album titles, quite a few are double CD albums, a few are triple and quadruple albums. So I think it was about 900 CD discs ripped. I ripped them during lockdown as I was working from home and could put a new disc in the drive every twenty minutes or so. The total space required is 440GB on the hard drive and back up disc. Most were ripped to FLAC format and a few were ripped to WAV for comparison (That topic has surely been discussed in other threads).

You won then the silver price, for the number of albums possessed.


Much slower? You, the NAS drive or your collecting of vinyl :wink: LOL

Asset says I have 5947 albums. Not sure how they quantify that though.

come to think of it, perhaps all of the above :thinking::man_facepalming:t2:

Thank you. Just realised I posted from Roon, which includes material added from Tidal etc.
So this is from Asset.

With 7,429 Albums indexed, do I still make 2nd position?

Didn’t set out to horde, but I ripped my then CD collection to go onto iPods/iPhones in ALAC back in the ‘00s with iTunes and was playing the library through an AppleTV.
I was playing 24-bit HiRes from 2010 (using Squeezebox3 & a Pink Triangle DAC with the rare 24-bit filter).
And then I always wanted to ensure I have the versions I want and not just what Tidal provides, hence sort out the HiRes 24 bit/DSD versions of releases.

I also say this about my Vinyl Record collection, I never set out to be a collector, just I never stopped buying & playing since ‘86.
As such, I have some now rare pressing from the 90’s & 00’s when volumes were low. I was also able to buy good 2nd hand, and many a weekend while travelling for work in the US, in early 00’s was ‘crate digging’.

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About 800 albums.
But also about 1000 pristine DVD and Blu-Ray rips.
And 20,000 pics.

Same drive consuming about 11TiB. Most of that video.

I use my NAS for all home media.

About 3000 albums