Out of interest, how many albums do you have on your hard drive

The jury says yes. Bertbird, see above, has 29 k albums. 2 Melco, 2X 10 TO , 98% full.

I can’t help but think that with really large libraries at some point a generative AI plugin for Roon (or hopefully the Naim app) will help me find my music.

I find that with my physical CD’s it was easy to rediscover music I hadn’t listened to for a while as I could quickly scan random shelves, but that doesn’t feel as easy when just browsing (very large) album lists or scrolling through artists.


It’s called ‘Roon Radio’ enabled from the Queue screen

And it picks from your own and Internet Streaming services, using AI i.e. a Data-driven machine learning engine.

Roon have also introduced ‘Smart Playlists’ where you can form a Playlist from parameters, such as Genre, Date of release, etc. and it builds a playlist for you.

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I thought Roon Radio was a random track playing facility, not a tool to better browse your own collection?

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I think a random view of albums option in roon, Asset, etc. would meet this need. No need for AI. That seems a bit like using an after burner on an F18 to light a candle.

Thanks - I’ll have a play tonight and see if it works like what I’m looking for - which is a somewhat abstract one that runs off generative AI (i.e. calling upon reviews that have been done out on the web in addition to metadata, as opposed to just metadata-related).

For example “I want something that is ambient drone with a bit of guitar” that might bring back Deathprod or Hammock, or “that medieval ambient band with Rhys Fulber from Front Line Assembly in it” that returns Will.

I’m probably being optimistic, but we don’t get anywhere without the dreamers right? :wink:

My problem is often I know that I’ve got a particular album that I want to listen to, but I don’t recall the artist.

My CD’s are all grouped chronologically by artist now, but a prior sorting was chronologically by artist by genre, which was better for finding something based upon a vibe.

The one thing that I really miss with the Core (compared to even the UnitiServe) is the “last time played/most played” counts - they’re helpful for finding music that I haven’t listened to for ages (or have even forgotten about).

I should try the Naim app on my iPad - maybe one of the problems is that I’m browsing on my phone, which creates really long lists of albums that are harder to browse/glance across quickly.

Most of that isn’t controlled by the app but the server. For me it is Asset and Minimserver that present what lists are available and both have by album name and by artist name available. By default out-of-the-box or easily selectable in the config screen I can’t remember.

Neither of them have a “random album order” view though.

I think shuffle is usually a random selection within a given population of tracks.

Roon Radio, Tidal Track Radio, YouTube (Music), and similar services I think of as algorithms that will make recommendations of different music based on your prior listening, favourite albums, artists, etc. and present these tracks in a pattern that is clustered around your long term and recent listening habits, partly based on what other users listen to and partly on reviews.

…neither the roon radio or focus (smart playlists) are what I have in mind. They rely upon metadata within my library, which (given the Core) is accurate, but not comprehensive. or granular. For example with rips on the Core you can add multiple genres, but with imported FLACs, if multiple genres are set the are interpreted as a single, long genre (punctuation and all)

It would be nice if there was the ability to identify music and complement the embedded metadata with other information available across the internet, using a natural language interface.

About 1000 on the ZENmini 1TB SSD server.
Probably a 100 more haven’t bothered to rip yet.

This is actually quite an interesting thread and topic to tap into, I mean, it maybe highlights the way we consume and enjoy music.

If I buy a CD album and play it - either CDP or server / streamer - it tends to then get played to death. Like, played over for weeks until it’s well known into your sub- conscious, etc.

My playing habits tend to within a small number of albums for weeks at a time. Then move on and same again for another small number of albums. I think this maybe explains, the relatively small number, compared to others.

How do others dip in and out of the larger collections, say 5000 albums and more ?

How ever you listen ,it’s all about the enjoyment of music :+1:

Roon tells me that I have 3759 albums, which seems excessive as 3/4 must be from Qobuz.
Perhaps I should curb my streaming habit?

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